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Old 10-26-2010, 10:08 AM
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Default Obama the racist ?

"We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
We've Gone Delirious

Last edited by geeker2 : 10-26-2010 at 10:19 AM.
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Old 10-26-2010, 10:41 AM
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Apparently it's only "racist" on Faux News and, and only recently.

Everywhere else, it's been his standard stump speech for a while now:

He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, he said, "we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
Let's review the metaphor: GOP drives economy car into ditch. Dems pull it out. Dems driving. No special interests in shotgun. Middle class up front. GOP in back.

OMG, that's so "racist" !
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-26-2010, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
"We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
Well, here is the test:

When the Democrats lose as badly as predicted next Tuesday, we'll have a commentator respond to the president's statement by paraphrasing it thus:

"Well, it would appear that the president and his party will be legislatively sitting in the back."

If there is a reaction of that statement being racist, then the original statement by the president must be equally so. If there is no reaction, then maybe the press has grown up a little bit.
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Old 10-26-2010, 10:52 AM
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I don't think Obama is a racist. He is just an awful President is all. Which is a lot more important than whether he dislikes any group of people.
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Old 10-26-2010, 11:34 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Apparently it's only "racist" on Faux News and, and only recently.

Everywhere else, it's been his standard stump speech for a while now:

Let's review the metaphor: GOP drives economy car into ditch. Dems pull it out. Dems driving. No special interests in shotgun. Middle class up front. GOP in back.

OMG, that's so "racist" !
well it was a pretty bad metaphor... the GOP & DEMS drove the economy into a ditch... and the GOP & DEMS are just leaving the economy in the ditch to rot. Special interests get first responding emergency treatment. Middle Class left to die. America is stuck in the back.

There... that was more realistic.
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Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 10-26-2010, 07:33 PM
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High speed rail service between Chicago and Iowa?

It's them...right?
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Old 10-26-2010, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
When the Democrats lose as badly as predicted next Tuesday,
I know you have been speaking of "The Republican Tsunami" since Obama got in office, but have you actually been reading any of the more accurate poll predictions? (like

The narrative during last August was the GOP was supposed to sweep into the Senate and House, taking over both easily.

Yet the GOP has managed to definitively lose control of the Senate due to the more extreme Tea Party candidates (defeating the moderate GOP candidate) turning voters back to the Dems (less than 10% chance of winning the Senate now).

And in the House, instead of winning 40-50 excess seats easily in a "tsunami", the GOP will probably only barely get the minimal 20 -30 seats (they will be in control). That's nothing. That's what the opposite party normally gets in every first midterm election post-presidential election.

The other thing is that the House has never turned without the Senate. Appears it could happen this year.

We'll see, but I think you'd better look at some polling numbers, Joey, rather than reading right wing web blogs filled with hope.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-26-2010, 09:22 PM
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Tonight’s House Forecast: 52-Seat Gain For G.O.P.

(headline from
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 10-26-2010, 09:26 PM
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Be fair..they were empty anyways.
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Old 10-26-2010, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
Tonight’s House Forecast: 52-Seat Gain For G.O.P.

(headline from
Wow. That's only 16-20 excess. 214 needed for control, predicted the GOP will now only get 230?


It should have been far larger, according to the freaks at the town halls a year ago August.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-26-2010, 10:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Wow. That's only 16-20 excess. 214 needed for control, predicted the GOP will now only get 230?


It should have been far larger, according to the freaks at the town halls a year ago August.

Well look at it this way was a good run while it lasted.

I am sure Sarah Louise and the Tea Party can find room for you !!
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 10-26-2010, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
Well look at it this way was a good run while it lasted.

I am sure Sarah Louise and the Tea Party can find room for you !!
The GOP can't even take over the Senate? (that has never happened before, that a party retakes the House but can't retake the Senate, too) Can only get 50-ish seats in the House? Don't forget that an abnormally large number of House seats when to the Dems last time, those seats should easily convert back to their normal GOP - but they are not.

Last year it was expected the GOP should retake the Senate, and dominate in the House. That doesn't appear ready to happen.

The "normal" is to readily kick ass the first midterm after a polarizing presidential election. The House/Senate usually go the way opposite the winning Presidential party.

If this plays out with no Senate win and a bare squeek win in the House, the GOP better realize they have long-term party problems, and they'd better decide what they represent, or they will be in the political wilderness for some years.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-27-2010, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
The GOP can't even take over the Senate? (that has never happened before, that a party retakes the House but can't retake the Senate, too) Can only get 50-ish seats in the House? Don't forget that an abnormally large number of House seats when to the Dems last time, those seats should easily convert back to their normal GOP - but they are not.

Last year it was expected the GOP should retake the Senate, and dominate in the House. That doesn't appear ready to happen.

The "normal" is to readily kick ass the first midterm after a polarizing presidential election. The House/Senate usually go the way opposite the winning Presidential party.

If this plays out with no Senate win and a bare squeek win in the House, the GOP better realize they have long-term party problems, and they'd better decide what they represent, or they will be in the political wilderness for some years.
The GOP might have trouble with the Senate since Harry Reid is doing his best to steal the election, with the machines being set to Mr. Reids name when new voters come in. And thank goodness the SEIU thugs are running the polling operations, with Mr. Reid's son Rory (who won't use his last name Reid) running for Governor.

Democrat politics as usual -- using every dirty trick in the book, and a few more from the sewer they are so accustomed to swimming in.
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Old 10-27-2010, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
The GOP might have trouble with the Senate since Harry Reid is doing his best to steal the election, with the machines being set to Mr. Reids name when new voters come in. And thank goodness the SEIU thugs are running the polling operations, with Mr. Reid's son Rory (who won't use his last name Reid) running for Governor.

Democrat politics as usual -- using every dirty trick in the book, and a few more from the sewer they are so accustomed to swimming in.
i like the "it's not the fact we nominated a bunch of idiots in critical states, it's because we're getting cheated" mindset. it guarantees more easy to beat idiots in the future.

harry reid would be down double digits to almost any other republican candidate.

thanks for the gift seats.
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Old 10-27-2010, 03:10 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
The GOP might have trouble with the Senate since Harry Reid is doing his best to steal the election, with the machines being set to Mr. Reids name when new voters come in. And thank goodness the SEIU thugs are running the polling operations, with Mr. Reid's son Rory (who won't use his last name Reid) running for Governor.

Democrat politics as usual -- using every dirty trick in the book, and a few more from the sewer they are so accustomed to swimming in.
Are you expecting more from the Democrats? Reid is desperately trying anything to win now. I guess he thinks people forgot about Obamacare and him being one of the key figures behind this bill that the American public didn't want. He must realize now that everyone thinks he is nothing more than a worthless piece of manure. Hopefully he is the first of the Big Three to get a one way ticket out of DC.
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Old 10-27-2010, 04:34 PM
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The GOP might have trouble with the Senate since Harry Reid is doing his best to steal the election, with the machines being set to Mr. Reids name when new voters come in.
That one was proven not true by this morning.

And I hate to break it to you, there was never any "Acorn bought the 2008 election", either.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-27-2010, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Wow. That's only 16-20 excess. 214 needed for control, predicted the GOP will now only get 230?


It should have been far larger, according to the freaks at the town halls a year ago August.
Are you really trying to spin losing the house into some sort of victory for the Dems? Are you?
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Old 10-27-2010, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by SOREHOOF View Post
Are you really trying to spin losing the house into some sort of victory for the Dems? Are you?
The GOP should swamp the House and Senate. The usual result is a 40 seat switch in the House after elections at first midterm after a presidential.

But it appears the GOP has lost the Senate. It looks like they will barely get the House at this point.

Now obviously that's just what the "pundits and polls" are saying today - it could obviously go the other way (GOP gets the Senate, too, and alot more seats in the House).

But if the GOP can't retake the Senate? And barely can take the House? Historically the opposite party has never won the House and failed to win the Senate.

That's not a victory for the Dems as much as it is a tidal wave of loss for the GOP.

This should be a huge "gimme" of seats to the GOP - if the GOP can't even carry that off?
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-27-2010, 06:45 PM
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Why is it a gimmie? You and others like the way this country is headed and will probably vote to keep things headed the way they are. I never heard anyone say the Repubs would take the Senate, but I don't spend much time with the Huffy Poo Poo. They say it so you will see the elections as a victory no matter what happens. Lot's of Union $$ behind the Dems. A lot of Public Sector Union $$. Tax $$ in other words. The Dems will keep the Tax dollars flowing to the Unions so the Unions can keep the money headed back to Washington. Some in Law Enforcement would call that Money Laundering. If not out and out Larceny.
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Old 10-27-2010, 07:16 PM
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Why is it a gimmie?
Because historically it virtually always switches after an election like we had (overwhelmingly Democratic up and down the ballot). Geesh, even regular GOP positions went Dem in 2008. So those ought to automatically revert back to GOP. And then there is the typical "get the other party in" that normally happens every midterm.

Add that to the outcry and "throw the bums out" starting last year, the major recession, the Tea Party, etc. You know, the Republican Tsunami Joey has been talking about for two years?

Seriously - look at Delaware and Christine O'Donnell. That seat was a guaranteed Senate seat win for the GOP. Until she won the primary and kicked out the moderate Republican.

I never heard anyone say the Repubs would take the Senate, but I don't spend much time with the Huffy Poo Poo.
It doesn't have much to do with the Huffy Poo Poo. The political wonks have been saying it since Obama was elected, based upon the last major House/Senate switches.

It has little to do with party affiliation, or what somebody "wants" - it's just political punditry predictions based upon history.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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