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![]() Wants to discuss his quote from yesterday? Let me begin.
Thank god this "man" did not get elected President. 1st Round under way...................................... |
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i am a conservative fyi but i gotta tell ya, when i look into his eyes when they replay that quote on tv, i believe he MEANT EVERY WORD. no joking going on their, the EYES TELL THE TALE EVERY TIME. |
![]() i really expected to see a thread on this by the time i got here.
see what happens when you put a mic in front of people?? wonder what size shoe fits in that mouth? thing is, no one likes to eff up. it's worse when others know it. but i think you can tell a lot about a person when they stand up and own what they did. i do it. luckily don't have to do so often! makes you wonder tho, why would this guy want to be commander in chief of a force for which he seems to have so little respect?? and it really ticked me off, not just because my husband and i are vets...but my oldest son is currently active duty in the navy, and my other two are talking about going. all three do very well at school and could go to any college they chose. and we all know how much stronger a reaction you get when you feel your child is being slighted. it's not the first time i've heard thinking like his, i've seen at least one poster on this board suggest that the military is for those who otherwise couldn't get a job--it's laughable. |
![]() Kerry is probably the only bigger idiot than Bush. This guy is all about himself. All he has to do is apologize, but he won't and now the Republicans are going to get some juice out of it.
I don't care what anyone says, I really think Kerry thinks the members of our military are idiots. He is elitist trash. Probably blames them for costing him the election, even though he has nobody to blame but himself for running an awful campaign. Any guy who loses to George Bush should be forced to resign his position in government. It makes you wonder if they just give degrees away at Yale for showing up. |
![]() Oh my stars and garters, how much more of the Republican Party Machine Kool-Aid are some of you going to keep drinking? You really think a veteran is going to insult his fellow vets? Dear God; to listen to some of you, you'd think Bush was the one on the Swift Boats and Kerry the one hiding out from the National Guard duty his daddy's friends got him. Here's what Kerry said after bobbling a not-very-funny joke (as I don't find it funny at all that Bush being a stupid moron has resulted in almost 3,000 Americans dead in Iraq. Not one bit.). Anyway, for those of you who get all your news from Fox, here's what Kerry said. From salon.com:
<<Kerry said that he "botched" a "joke" when he said Monday that "if you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well," but that if you don't "you get stuck in Iraq." But he insisted that the White House and its Republican allies knew full well what he meant: Not that members of the U.S. military are stupid or uneducated, but that the president and his people might be. "This president and his administration didn't do their homework," Kerry said. "They didn't study what would happen in Iraq. They didn't study and listen to the people who were the experts and would have told them. And they know that's what I was talking about yesterday." Kerry was just getting started. "I think Americans are sick and tired of this game. These Republicans are afraid to stand up and debate a real veteran on this topic. And they're afraid to debate -- you know, they want to debate strawmen because they're afraid to debate real men. Well, we're going to have a real debate in this country about this policy. The bottom line is: These Republicans want to distort this policy. And, this time, it won't work because we are going to stay in their face with the truth. No Democrat is going to be bullied by these people, by these kinds of attacks that have no place in American politics. It's time to set our policy correct. They have a stand-still-and-lose policy in Iraq, and they have a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan. And the fact is, our troops, who have served heroically, who deserve better, deserve leadership that is up to their sacrifice -- period." Asked about John McCain's criticisms of his remarks, Kerry said that McCain knows what he really meant. "John McCain ought to ask for an apology from Dick Cheney for misleading America," he said. "He ought to ask for an apology from the president for lying about the nuclear program in Africa. He ought to ask for an apology for once again a week ago referring to al-Qaida as being the central problem in Iraq, when al-Qaida is not the central problem. Enough is enough. I'm not going to stand for these people trying to shift the topic and make it politics. America deserves a real discussion about real policy. And that's what this election is going to be about next Tuesday." Minutes after Kerry's staff circulated a transcript of his press conference, the Republican National Committee responded with a blast e-mail under its "America Weakly" banner. The headline: "Kerry Apologizes to No One: 2004 Dem Presidential Nominee John Kerry Refuses to Apologize for Belittling U.S. Troops." >> I'm sure McCain will clarify his own remarks as soon as he gets Bush's penis out of his mouth. Sorry. That was crude. But I'm so tired of McCain riding on the "maverick" label when in fact, when push comes to shove, he's just another Bush lackey. I apologize for being crude, but this whole thing just makes me so damn mad I could spit. Bad enough Santorum accuses Casey of aiding terrorists through pension funds, now the GOP tries to accuse Kerry of insulting veterans? Can they get anymore desperate? |
![]() ... and, of course, I don't think anyone here is stupid. I'm just so mad over what is clearly a blatant attempt by the GOP to obsfucate the real issues (did I use that word right? Spell it right, even?). But the fact that people here who are genuine independents got snookered by this really makes me marvel again at the power of the GOP slime machine.
Yay for all the vets, by the way! |
![]() If Kerry wins the Demo nomination for President the Demos will lose again imo. Gore and H. Clinton are the only Demo's I see with enough political saavy and ideas to excite voters on the Democratic side. The young fella will scare too many away. One can make all the jokes they want about Clinton and Gore but they have got some fairly unique ideas and dont just run the same old bash the Rep. but I got no ideas.
Democrats are always worried about how they cant get out the vote like Republicans. I guarantee H. Clinton would get out the vote on both sides. People dont realize how many inroads H. Clinton has made with the business community either. But I think the Demos will go the cheap route and consider her unelectable. I think it would make for an exciting Presidential election if she were to run against a steadfast Republican (ie not a McCain or an Arlen Specter type Republican.) |
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Yeh, now its the Republicans' fault for this moron's statement. I'll bet you said the same thing when the Dem's hammered Bush about his Mission Accomplished photo bite...right ? It was a blatant attempt by the Democrats to obfuscate........
A pet ? It's a wild invalid. |
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This so called veteran DID insult his fellow vets...at the congressional hearings on Vietnam, calling American G.I's murderers & rapists...I AM a vet of Vietnam and I was insulted. You use a statement about Mc Cain and Bush's penis, and then you have the balls to call people the Republican Slime Machine.
A pet ? It's a wild invalid. |
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I find it amusing that Bush is only making speeches in Georgia, South Carolina... they wont let him near Ohio or any other contentious State. Good politics, but incredibly revealing about the slime machine. And for those who think Bush has a giant ego, he knows not to go into certain States for the sake of his party. He is much smarter than people think. He is taking a direct slap in the face for the team. |
![]() Sad commentary indeed,Pgardn. This thing's been broke for a long time,though....each side trying to perpetuate itself....long ago ideals flushed because it might 'mess' with somebodys' entitlement!....the tangled web we weave....have to see what comes from the elections.
![]() IG, I'd be grateful if you'd post Kerry's statements from the Vietnam hearings about all GIs being murderers and rapists, because I'm skeptical he actually said that. Do you think it's possible he might in fact have been referring to the small number of servicemen who have committed atrocities? I do know he asked how a person could ask a man to be the last one to die for a mistake. I would very much appreciate seeing what he actually said, if you'll be so kind as to post them. Much in the way I posted Kerry's response to this stupid flack.
And I can't believe this dumb gaffe by a man we KNOW can't tell a joke to save his life is beating out other news, like this awful info. From conservative Andrew Sullivan's website: <<While the media is obsessed parsing the ad libs of someone on no ballot this fall, something truly ominous has just happened in Iraq. The commander-in-chief has abandoned an American soldier to the tender mercies of a Shiite militia. Yes, there are nuances here, and the NYT fleshes out the story today. But the essential fact is clear. In a showdown for control of Baghdad, the Iraqi prime minister took orders from Moqtada al-Sadr, and instructed the U.S. military to withdraw from Sadr City. The American forces were trying both to stabilize the city but also to find a missing American serviceman. He is still missing. Money quote from the WaPo: The move lifted a near siege that had stood at least since last Wednesday. U.S. military police imposed the blockade after the kidnapping of an American soldier of Iraqi descent. The soldier's Iraqi in-laws said they believed he had been abducted by the Mahdi Army as he visited his wife at her home in the Karrada area of Baghdad, where U.S. military checkpoints were also removed as a result of Maliki's action. The crackdown on Sadr City had a second motive, U.S. officers said: the search for Abu Deraa, a man considered one of the most notorious death squad leaders. The soldier and Abu Deraa both were believed by the U.S. military to be in Sadr City. The U.S. military does not have a tradition of abandoning its own soldiers to foreign militias, or of taking orders from foreign governments. No commander-in-chief who actually walks the walk, rather than swaggering the swagger, would acquiesce to such a thing. The soldier appears to be of Iraqi descent who is married to an Iraqi woman. Who authorized abandoning him to the enemy? Who is really giving the orders to the U.S. military in Iraq? These are real questions about honor and sacrifice and a war that is now careening out of any control. They are not phony questions drummed up by a partisan media machine to appeal to emotions to maintain power. And where, by the way, is McCain on this? Silent on Cheney's "no-brainer" on waterboarding. Silent recently on Iraq. But vocal - oh, how vocal - on Kerry. It tells you something about what has happened to him. And to America.>> Pgardn, I do agree with you that Kerry would be a terrible candidate in '08, just as he was in '04. This verbal gaffe of his is dumb and pointless, but the media has jumped on it and quite frankly, he's not capable of shutting it down in two sentences and he needs to be able to. I appreciated his explanation, but then I'll read several paragraphs all at once. ![]() But most importantly, my thoughts and prayers go to that missing American serviceman and to his family. |
![]() Tennessee Senate candidate Harold Ford has asked his fellow Democrat (Kerry) to apologize.LOL...They are all throwing him under the truck. I think he meant what he said,but is sorry he said it in public(that he is sorry about.) Whatever career he had is toast.
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"John Kerry is awful, and anything we can do further to degrade his political prospects is worth doing. But really, I saw a clip of him making the much-deplored remark, and it was obvious that the dimwit in Iraq that he referred to was George W. Bush, not the American soldier. It was a dumb joke badly delivered, but his meaning was plain. My pleasure in watching JK squirm is just as great as any other conservative's, but something is owed to honesty. There's a lot of fake outrage going round here." And that's from someone who HATES him. If anything, Kerry should apologize for being a terrible joke-teller. Which he is. |
![]() What is comical is how idiots defend this moron John Kerry. And then there are idiots that defend the moron George Bush.
Learn to think for yourself people. It is almost like the Republicans and Democrats never take any accountability. When their guy says or does something stupid they immediately switch it around and tell us how bad the other guy is. These idiots that have turned Kerry's moronic statement around by saying "well George Bush started the war" or "George Bush this and that" are idiots like the people that defend George Bush. If you are a party person, you people are destroying our country. You party people have left america at the point where there is no accountability. You just look the other way and blame the other guy. IT IS DISGUSTING, and you are ruining my country. Rush Limabaugh's, Al Frankens, Sean Hannity's, Janine Garafolos, and all these fools are con artists that laugh all the way to the bank at this country's expense. |
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One of your very best. Man o' man...I sat on my hands for quite a while. Despite the fact that Kerry needs to enroll in my "comedy school", I agree with John Murtha that it's up to him to explain. Kerry fed the Repumplicans some "red meat". They'll spin it as much as they can. Last I knew, Kerry wasn't running for anything. I'll take his words that he was trying to attack Dubya's lack of "education", ie- doing his "homework" before getting our great country involved in the debacle called Iraq, that has cost us almost 3,000 brave soldiers, 20,000 wounded, and a cost of 8 billion a month. PS...we're not "winning" and presently, our military is taking orders, not from our "commander-in-deceit" but rather from Maliki...to remove roadblocks in Sardr City (abandoning one on the field). Anyway, Lynne Chaney did an interview today and spoke of a famous battle. No, it wasn't Vietnam, nor Midway, nor Normandy. It happened during the Civil War at a place called Gettysburg. This one was decisive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Round_Top In my humble view, Kerry only fed some "red meat" to those that wish to out flank the reality of current circumstances. This is Dubbya's war of choice (Iraq). It's his to lose...and also ours. If you know what "victory" will look like, please let me know. Kerry was stupid for saying what he did. Dubbya was even stupider for getting us all into this continuing tragedy, what he did. They BOTH have to own their words and actions. Peace, DTS |
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"Always be yourself...unless you suck!" |
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So nice to see that you and I agree. I'm not quite sure about Hillary. Heck, I live in NY and she hasn't shown me a lot. Moinahan's (sp) shoes just might have been too big for her to fill. She continues to disappoint. Condi??? Excuse lady? No thanks. She's played for too long and has been ineffective so far. Obama? I just don't know enough. Very charismatic but the "proof is in the pudding". Kerry apologized for being misinterpreted. He holds no chance now either. Here are some words from a song that ran through my head all day while I was doing the "firewood" thing... "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...here I am." Please excuse my spelling. I'm plenty tired after today's efforts. Tomorrow will be a new day and there's a ton to do. For now, it's enough to sit down and try to make sense of the things that really don't. I hope that someone with vision finds a way to bring our great country out of the mess that we've bought. Hey! If it stops wasting the lives of people, both ours and theirs, I'll be for that resolution. Peace, DTS |
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"...stuck in the middle with you" Well, I don't think I've ever been in the middle of the road about anything...lol! I tend to look at people more than offices etc...Hillary is independent of thought and brave...she'll tackle hard issues and do what she thinks is right if put in a position of power! I like that! Obama is a wildcard but everything I've seen and heard I like. Condy...she's a black woman and she hasn't forgotten that! If she would become President, you'd see the soul of America restored I think...she would surprise a lot of folks (esp conservative Republicans) and I like that as well!
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!" |
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