This trip can't conefast enough. Freaking cold out
It's freezing here. Not literally, but way colder than normal. Going to 40 tonight then only up to low 60's tomorrow.
Going to have to wear socks to work. Again. This is bullsh1t. |
Haha feel bad for you my friend
it was zero on my morning walk to the train yesterday and 5 degrees today.....i feel for you dan, i really do
Just north of Oldsmar, this morning:
This is getting ridiculous. I'm moving to Miami. |
Arrive Wednesday 2/24, and depart Sunday 2/28.
Kev have you made any arrangements for golf? Terry
2705 Central Avenue |
I'll be there the same days Terry. Im pretty sure golf is in the cards
-bt- |
This cannot be! Someone has some 'splanin to do.
2705 Central Avenue |
4 weeks and counting boys
unless Kings wants to bring that free lawn jockey he snagged off of here from another member, we will be with out our mascot/hood ornament
i'm a hack, but i'm bringing the sticks -bt- |
Guys I have to cancel this year. Hoping you have a great trip and great weather. Cash some tickets!
2705 Central Avenue |
That's bad news Terry. I blame Kevin
Tom it's not GPK's fault. Mom slipped on the ice getting the Sunday paper and broke her femur/knee. Gotta go help out up in Iowa.
Hope you all have a great trip to TBD.
2705 Central Avenue |
Sorry to hear that buddy let us know if you need anything
i'm in town warning everyone about the storm coming through next week. Derby Lane was warned tonight
Hey Dan make sure Tampa Downs is fully stocked up. Some mighty thirsty fellows on their way.