Well that is above my pay grade BUT I can tell you ignoring that point and making this a homophobia/gun issue won't make it go away.
And how is homophobia nor part of it? He went to a gay bar, during gay pride month. And as for the guns...he was investigated twice by the fbi, his employer was told of him being nutso, was violent with the ex wife, but still able to buy guns.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
Take away voting rights for women would be a start.
Since you morons are screaming for banning guns. Lets just do something simple and ban all women and second and first generation "Americans" from voting. That will solve almost all of the problem instead of disarming the populace so the protected savages can genocide all of us.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
I agree there needs to be stricter gun rules and the system failed here. Miltiant Islamic terrorists goal on earth is to kill as many infidels as possible. They preach non tolerance and hate against Gays. T |
We've been infiltrated. It's that simple. The gun grab is for genocide of westerners. All the talk of race is part of the plan. Keeps whites guilty and incapable of saving the republic. He should've been impeached years ago.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
The anti-American scum running this country use race to keep us divided but use it strictly against whites only.
People need to wake up it's already probably too late. 50 years of traitorous actions by our "leaders" got us to this point. The baby boomer generation was molded to be narcissistic and child-like. Most of them hated their parents and their religion. They have been conditioned to accept Muslims. It's only going to get worse. We have to stop these people before it's too late. The elite no longer have a need for high wages in labor. In fact they are using Islam as a means to re-implement slavery. Read the damn book, people. They are encouraged to lie to the infidel. Stop thinking about yourself and the childhood trauma of being forced to sit in a pew for an hour or two a week. It's better than having your head chopped off.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
Just look at pictures of most American cities in the 50's and early 60's and look at current pictures.
These radicals started ramping up the takeover around that time. They bitch about those days on the media like they were awful. It didn't look awful. Looked nice. The liberals will talk about diseases and lack of technological advances in those days and of course equal rights for all...but the technological advances were going to happen regardless of all the social justice warrior horsesh.it. We gave up everything for this. Just to appease the ones who took over who have hated us since the beginning of time. They've learned from their past defeats. They're well read. Most of us aren't as you can tell from the liberal postings in this sub-forum. We're in trouble, folks. They turned our own against us in every aspect of their lives. Only thing left is all out war. Good luck confiscating over 500 million guns and billions of bullets...idiots.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
I don't care that the enemy controls the internet either. I'm an American and I will speak my mind on these thugs if I please.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...t-Taliban.html Complicit gov. Period. Keep putting your head in the sand.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
That's enough to take this country down for good. It's just a matter of time. Your commie takeover/promised utopia will collapse within a century. Horrible failures. Your words might be saved so people that do survive and hopefully overcome this horde 100's of years down the road can laugh at how stupid you were and condition themselves to never be that cucked. Oh well. It's all meaningless. We let the women rule the roost. Get what we deserve.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
And another question....eric rudolph, tim mcveigh, dear, who shot up the abortion clinic, the movie theatre shooter, the va tech shooter....they are all 'crazy' because they are not muslim, their religion not a factor. But this guy did it, not because he was crazy, but because he was muslim? Should we send all muslims away, the vast majority of which have done nothing wrong, because they share the same religion as this guy? To protect 'us'? Then what? Most serial killers are white guys, should we boot out all white guys? The shooter..investigated by the fbi twice, beat his ex, co workers said he was nuts, made multiple threats. Still able to legally, easily buy guns.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln Last edited by Danzig : 06-13-2016 at 12:53 PM. |
Thanks for the link Coach...some very interesting and eye-opening data finds here....
"Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something" - Plato |
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
And we already have people in mosques giving us info. Muslim people, telling us about the dangerous people they are watching Thats how we have stopped other planned attacks here.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
Sorry that is my take away on your position from your postings on this and the last decade or so... So please don't use that I didn't say that verbatim strategy... What is the solution ?
You know, to stand in solidarity with the American people against the tyranny of Radical Islamic oppression? Like the one they held in Paris and 20 people showed up to? Hmmmm .... I guess we should just be glad that a few of them are "giving us info" in mosques. We are going to be Israel shortly. No way around it. Not with this level of progressive fanaticism pervasive in our media - the brain dead sop it up like gravy. |
"Our founders were racist and sexist. We deserve it."
They were wiser than any man on this earth present day. Fact.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
It is a complex problem, there are no easy solutions. It would be easy to say it was due to his religion, just go after all who follow it, right? But no, because many other islamic people are helping us find the monsters in our midst. Whst if we ban all immigration? That wouldnt have stopped this guy, born in america. Or many others recruited by isis, who are born here, raised here, but have the mentality that thinks isis aounds like fun...the columbine shooters, for instance, would have been drawn to isis. All i know is, with all these mass shootings, many of which involve u.s. citizens, one thing hasnt changed at all. And thats gun laws. Most support universal background checks, but we dont have them because of the nra. Why was a man deemed unstable, who made threats, who abused his wife, anlw to purchase these guns?
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |