amazing..nasa channel
watching the repair of the space station live its soo cool the things we do the most take for granted..
the space walk is a trip ..what a view..
you would think living 10 minutes from NASA we would have that channel here...but nooooooooo.
I work at NASA and at times I am able to see pictures of the space walks and the like it is amazing. I work at the base that is home of the most amazing peice of equipment in the history of man kind the hubble space telescope I know it had its problem but it is just amazing. WE are eagerly awaiting the shuttles return because as long as its up in space its not on the ground and we hope and pray for the shuttles safe return!
ep congrats thats a great place to work how interesting..get the shuttle down safe..click on my name and see the new pick from the airshow today...go navy...