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Old 07-13-2007, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by ARyan
We wait with anticipation!!

I'm sure this would be soooo much of a better place if everyone was just exactly like you huh....
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
then you don't know what is going on either, hard to follow what others are talking about and then its like I'd just rather not even log on. if it comes to that point I would just not log on at all. you cannot simply ignore him or his aftermath.

putting him on ignore will not block all of the people who are quoting him.

when I log on i read everything from everyone, have never blocked anyone and don't want to. that doesn't mean I care for all of it though.

or maybe just exactly like you...
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:46 PM
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I'm just as guilty if not MORE guilty of that. I'm sorry to everyone that is annoyed by my posts. I'll stop doing it.
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:49 PM
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I'm one of the ones that thinks Morty adds to the place rather than detracts from it....many of his post are intended to be humorous...there are more than a few on here that are totally ridiculous when meaning to be serious...lighten the puck up...
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
Who said anything like that?
I go off topic way too much...

I wasn't being facetious when I posted that. I need to stop doing it. It's more a boredom thing.
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
I go off topic way too much...

I wasn't being facetious when I posted that. I need to stop doing it. It's more a boredom thing.
yeah... I'm through joking around on here... if I have something to add that is racing related I'll post it otherwise from now on I'll shut the puck up
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
I go off topic way too much...

I wasn't being facetious when I posted that. I need to stop doing it. It's more a boredom thing.
It's 5 minutes to happy hour. Boredom's almost over....
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
It's 5 minutes to happy hour. Boredom's almost over....
Must be nice to get off work at 4pm.

Are you going to Saratoga for opening weekend? I need to get back down to South FL and make one of the Calder weekends in August. Hopefully, you'll need a beer buddy.
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by AeWingnut
I had dental work done today.. should have eatten before hand
now I have to wait 4 hours
at least for hot food

no chewing either

Hey look ! a squirrel

where is the ignore option?
Add Morty to your ignore list
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:19 PM
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but I won't be putting Mort on ignore

now all of his other logons

how many people do you think he is ?
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:23 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
I go off topic way too much...

I wasn't being facetious when I posted that. I need to stop doing it. It's more a boredom thing.
So do I!!! I need to stop doing it.
Should we start a 12 step program..."Off Topics Anonymous"?

Now about the boredom's a question I've had floating around inside my head when I was at the check-out line, and overheard two ladies talking about "undergarments". Since I'm not female, could anyone explain the difference between "thongs" and "granny panties"?
Thanks, not to go off topic....
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Must be nice to get off work at 4pm.

Are you going to Saratoga for opening weekend? I need to get back down to South FL and make one of the Calder weekends in August. Hopefully, you'll need a beer buddy.
No Saratoga opening for me. That's a busy time. Come on down for a card anytime.... Turf Sprint day is Aug 11.
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Old 07-13-2007, 06:00 PM
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I'm not sorry. Ok...maybe I am. But being sorry is good sometimes. Right?
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Old 07-13-2007, 06:33 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Payson Dave
or maybe just exactly like you...
i never implied that, any more than you are implying everyone should be just like morty.

I said that I don't put anyone on ignore, and that I wasn't calling for anyone to be banned.

my only point was that for me, he is a large distraction on this place. much much more than any other person and I said we ALL go OT.

after talking to people directly this week I realized that many people have the same feeling as I do but they don't say anything.

no big deal, you morty people are enjoying the board more, others find it tiresome and distracting.
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Old 07-13-2007, 06:40 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
Wouldn't this place be sort of dull if everyone was the same? I am obviously biased but he isn't the only one here who rarely if ever talks about horses. Take a look at the esoteric or political rooms. And he is hardly the only one who goes off topic with stuff.
but he doesn't limit his OT stuff to those area's. come on. he's on every thread with the same schtick.

of course it would be dull if everyone were the same, no one wants that. But wouldn't it also be total chaos if EVERYONE posted like he does? think about what this place would look like. as I said earlier everyone brings some OT stuff into racing threads. I'm guilty of that myself. But i'm constantly policing myself on it and when I think I've gone overboard (2-3 OT posts) I just shut up. Morty doesn't regulate himself. he interjects into every thread, and often very rudely I might add.
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Old 07-13-2007, 08:36 PM
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Like I said he's no Larry Mullen Jr....
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Old 07-13-2007, 09:23 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Main Entry: dra·ma
Pronunciation: 'drä-m&, 'dra-
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin dramat-, drama, from Greek, deed, drama, from dran to do, act
1 a : a composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue and typically designed for theatrical performance : PLAY -- compare CLOSET DRAMA b : a movie or television production with characteristics (as conflict) of a serious play; broadly : a play, movie, or television production with a serious tone or subject <a police drama>
2 : dramatic art, literature, or affairs
3 a : a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces b : dramatic state, effect, or quality <the drama of the courtroom proceedings>
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Old 07-13-2007, 09:48 PM
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I've commented very little on the Morty Phenomenon. I'll simply say that I believe having him here, while not 100% pleasureable, is more a positive than a negative. I understand why people can find his 'performance art' annoying and a distraction, and I was in that camp initially myself.

However, his musings, if you take the time to read them and follow them, are genuinely smart and funny and frequently hysterical. I'm not trying to insult those that don't "get it" saying this. There isn't anything 'to get'... He is an agent provocateur here and most often defuses more than incites. But as an agitator, I understand that some are turned off. But most miss him when he goes on his frequent 'walkabouts' or would really miss him if he left.

There's room for nearly any type of Internet denizen here, and though he does go over the top, generally he is 100% harmless and contributes to the atmosphere of manic frivolity that pervades the Forum.
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans

Last edited by Kasept : 07-15-2007 at 11:00 AM.
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Old 07-13-2007, 09:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Kasept
I've commented very little on the Morty Phenomenon. I'll simply say that I believe having him here, while not 100% pleasureable, is more a positive than a negative. I understand why people can find his 'performance art' annoying and a distraction, and I was in that camp initially myself.

However, his musings, if you take the time to read them and follow them, are genuinely smart and funny and frequently hysterical. I'm not trying to insult those that don't "get it" saying this. There isn't anything 'to get'... He is an agent provocateur here and most often defuses more than incites. But as an agatator, I understand that some are turned off. But most miss him when he goes on his frequent 'walkabouts' or would really miss him if he left.

There's room for nearly any type of Internet denizen here, and though he does go over the top, generally he is 100% harmless and a contributor to the atmosphere of manic frivolity that pervades the Forum.

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Old 07-13-2007, 09:51 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by Kasept
I've commented very little on the Morty Phenomenon. I'll simply say that I believe having him here, while not 100% pleasureable, is more a positive than a negative. I understand why people can find his 'performance art' annoying and a distraction, and I was in that camp initially myself.

However, his musings, if you take the time to read them and follow them, are genuinely smart and funny and frequently hysterical. I'm not trying to insult those that don't "get it" saying this. There isn't anything 'to get'... He is an agent provocateur here and most often defuses more than incites. But as an agatator, I understand that some are turned off. But most miss him when he goes on his frequent 'walkabouts' or would really miss him if he left.

There's room for nearly any type of Internet denizen here, and though he does go over the top, generally he is 100% harmless and a contributor to the atmosphere of manic frivolity that pervades the Forum.

Can we get all that re-typed, in layman's terms?
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