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![]() I got an e-mail to go to this site and thought i would pass it along.It's about the incident in Qana. http://confederateyankee.mu.nu./archives/188571.php.
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Honestly, I'm not there. I read the reports at the site you gave. Might be a lot of "spin". The initial casualties that were reported have been reduced from 54 to 34 at Qana. Still, many children and women were killed. In my view, one is too many. I assert no opinion as to who is "right" and who is "wrong". Both sides "spin". Both sides of the conflict are trying to put out a positive rationale for their actions. Innocents suffer. Maybe, if the agreement that was presented by France and the US to the UN takes effect on Tuesday, a cessation of conflict will occur. I certainly hope so. Heres another view: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0805-02.htm Peace! DTS |
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![]() I will never understand these Jew-Killing Moslems.They want to push every Jew in Israel into the Sea,but want the rest of the world to feel sorry for them? Unlike the Hezbollah that hide among civilians,the Israeli military is there to be hit by rockets,but where do the Hezbollah fire rockets at? Mainly at Civilians in cities.If they really think it is wrong to destroy civilian areas,then why shoot rockets at Haifa etc.?They should be shooting them at the Israeli military.After all,the Israeli military is not hiding amongst their Israeli citizens.I have no sympathy for this scum that hide amongst civilians,and then complain when civilians are killed.You have to be destroyed.You are vermin.Those who support vermin will unfortunately be destroyed because the vermin hides amongst them.I repeat..TO NOT DESTROY THE VERMIN, IS NOT AN OPTION.The Israelis are doing what they must do...destroy this scum Hezbollah. If they want to shoot rockets from civilian areas,then civilians will be killed as well as the Hezbollah fighters.Don't complain about it.You scum decided to shoot rockets from civilian areas.The Israeli army is out away from it's civilians aren't they? Yes.They are.The world should be thankful that the Israelis are destroying this scum.I am.Thank you, Israel.
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yeah....what he said. |
![]() Many who've been in Lebanon say Hezbollah isn't actually hiding among civilians-- here's a letter on it, from Salon.com:
http://www.salon.com/news/feature/20...ah/index2.html |
![]() thats the crap about the whole thing....1 website, newsource, etc... says 1 thing and another website, newsource says the complete opposite.
Without individually being there and seeing with your owns eyes...I guess it's just up to each individual who and what they want to believe. |
![]() There is a huge difference between how Israel works and many of its neighbors. They are a democratic society. There are protests going on in Israel right now against the war. Arab Israelis are participating along with European and other Israelis. How many protests against Hezbollah in any Arab country?
I will bet I read and listen to more reports on this conflict than anyone on this board. It is very clear that Hezbollah has been and will continue to fire its rockets from areas that contain civilians. If you do not believe that, then the holocaust never occurred either. The evidence is overwhelming. For Gods sake people we have to wake up to the fact that we are working with two very different mindsets. Iranian president gets up in front of the ENTIRE ARAB LEAGUE AS SAYS ISRAEL SHOULD BE DESTROYED. After he spoke there was NOT ONE ARAB NATION THAT VOICED A DISSENT. Lets get real here. You have to know what you are dealing with in order to solve problems. |
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Others will tell you that there are thousands of Arabs held prisoner by Israel, most uncharged, similar to Gitmo. Others will tell you of their impatience with the U.S. to succeed in Iraq at the cost of 40,000 Arab live in that country, notwithstanding our former support and arming of Saddam to fight the Iranians. Others will also tell you of their disdain for the U.N. as meaningless as the U.S. vetos any and all resolutions condemning Israel. (13-1 votes, there's hundreds of them). Most of all, others will tell you that much of the Arab world does indeed feel oppressed at the hands of Israel/U.S. as the result of the treatment of the Palestinians and the failure of Israel to lead the movement toward the two-state solution. In fact, 90% of the Arab world will tell you without the Gaza issue, there is no legitmizing cause for Islamic extremism. You're entitled to your opinion and I do not disagree with much of it. There are, however, far-differeing views held by other well-read and educated perople. |
![]() Christians who use violence in the name of God to destroy their enemies have no justification for their actions from Jesus Christ, his life and teachings as found in the New Testament. Whereas, Muslims who are engaged in violence and destruction of anyone who opposes Islam, have ample justification for their actions from the Qur'an and the life and sayings of prophet Muhammad.It is beyond doubt that the prophet of Islam did encourage the killing and intimidation of his enemies, not just in self defense as it is commonly reported by Muslims, but in the promotion of the cause of God and the spread of Islam. The actions of Muhammad were in direct contradiction to the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ and his disciples. Have Christians ever resorted to violence and other horrible atrocities. They have indeed committed many horrible acts, but when they have done this, they have betrayed the very person that they claim to follow. But when Muslims commit such acts, they can in fact claim that they are following the example of their prophet and thus fulfilling the will of God and promoting His cause. The religion is a violent one,and most of the World is in total denial about that.By saying they want to push all the Jews into the Sea,they aren't saying anything that Muhammad would be against.He killed people for being "non-believers" and they simply are following their prophet's teachings.These are intolerant people.Why?They have a totally intolerant religion.
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Doesn't sound so tolerant, does it? And Jesus himself said he wasn't on earth to disavow the prophets, but to fulfill them. And they said some pretty harsh things-- including the killing disobedient children thing in the Old Testament. Mind you, I don't think any religious text is a good guide for foreign policy... but I don't think it's accurate to say Christians who kill non-Christians are violating their faith and only Islam is naturally intolerant. Christianity can be just as intolerant as any other Western faith and can be justified Biblically. It seems to me that intolerance is a characteristic not of one faith but of the fundamentalist branches of all faiths. |
![]() Kev, I'm with you on not knowing what to believe in the media anymore...
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You have ignored the major point.The prophet of Islam(Mohammad) actually killed people who were nonbelievers in him.He told his followers to do the same,and that's why they hate to live with people of other religions(their own prophet told them to do away with nonbelievers.)You can blame all religions if it makes you feel better.You can find something violent in the Bible written by somebody other than the prophet that Christians base their salvation on.The fact is that Islam is the religion who's followers are presently killing others because they(OTHERS) don't believe in their prophet Mohammad.Moslems follow the words and actions of their prophet Mohammad(he himself killed nonbelievers,and encourages his followers to do the same,and that's what they are doing.)Christians follow the teachings of their prophet Jesus Christ(he killed nobody,and didn't encourage the slaughter of those that don't believe in him.)Please give me the name of a present day Christian group that encourages slaughtering people because they don't believe in Jesus Christ.I can give you many names of Moslem groups that encourage killing nonbelievers.We all saw that in Afghanistan,they wanted to kill one of their own Moslems who converted to Christianity. Christians and Jews kill others in self defense(this is what is going on now in Southern Lebanon.)Jews are targetting Moslems in Hezbollah.Why are Jews doing this?Is it because Moslems aren't of their religion? No,it is because this group of Moslems is shooting rockets at the people of Israel,and blows up buses in Israel.As far as Romans 1:31-32 goes,those are the words of an idiot called Paul.You can find a lot of people's words in the Bible,but you won't find Christ telling his followers to slaughter those who don't believe in him.You will,however,find that the prophet that Moslems follow,does encourage his followers to kill the nonbelievers.In fact he killed nonbelievers himself.A big difference.Those who don't want to see the difference will continue to be surprised at the violence used by Islamic groups.Read what their prophet said,and did.You will understand their violence better. |
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![]() The Koran, if I am not mistaken, also has adages against not killing innocents-- and I thought its main verse on violence said only in self-defense. So one can argue that Moslems who do violence are also violating Mohammed's teachings. And what about the Serbian/Albanian massacres of the 1990's? Wasn't that Christians killing Moslems? Any holy book is chock full of contradictions, because lots of different people went into creating each one (they've been arguing about Revelations' inclusion since they first compiled the Bible). I think before we start blindly pointing fingers at others' faiths, that perhaps we need to take a look at the world and ask ourselves why there seems to be such a rise in fundamentalist branches of all faiths, including American Christianity. Because I do believe fundamentalism breeds violence, regardless of the faith. |
![]() The point is that Christians don't often say "this is for Jesus Christ himself" when they kill people.It is more likely they are asking for his forgiveness when they do it.Croatia, Serbia,Russia etc. are three countries full of low educated nitwit thugs that think "their people" are better than others.These countries are mainly Roman Catholic,and even more so, Eastern Orthodox Catholics(lucky if they can read,and randomly reading the Bible word for word is not stressed in Catholicism...the Gospels,yes.)Most of these people don't even know why they are eating the cracker from the priest.They just know they are supposed to line up and do it. These people don't kill themselves and others to satisfy the prophet of their religion(JESUS CHRIST.)These are not religious fundamentalists.They are people who ignore their religion,and kill others mainly because they don't belong to their ethnic group.The Moslems who kill non-Moslems are not fallen away Moslems.They often do praise ALLAH while chopping heads off.Fact is that Christians ask for forgiveness from their maker(when they do evil acts against their religion,)and Moslems expect rewards in Heaven when they commit evil.Lets see how fundamentalists in each religion treat nonbelievers.Moslem ones are encouraged by Muhammad himself to kill nonbelievers.Muhammad is speaking about innocent "fellow Moslems" in the passage you wrote.He killed nonbelievers in him.Christian fundamentalists are apt to pass laws to force nonbelievers to stop having abortions,or stop drinking alcohol n' watching porn.Big difference.I don't like either of them,but there is a big difference between the 2 types of fundamentalists.One type wants to kill you,and the other simply wants to control your actions.Neither option is great,but which would you prefer?
![]() It is often asked why Christ didn't bring up the violent stuff in the Old Testament,and say it was wrong.How long would he have been allowed to teach if he had done this? Fact is that he talked quite a bit,and didn't encourage believers to kill others for being nonbelievers(Muhammad did.)My brother is a "born againer." O.K.,and it has messed up my family's relationships quite a bit. I know way more than I want to about Fundamentalist Christianity.He thinks people are gunna go to hell,but he isn't gunna go out and kill people for not believing as he does.Oh,they believe in awful punishment for nonbelieving,but they believe it is up to the maker to dish it out.I can't stand to be around him,but I don't think killing nonbelievers is on his agenda anytime soon.
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![]() But what faith do you think the bombers of abortion clinics and the shooters of doctors who provide abortions claim to be? And do you think they feel they need to ask forgiveness or that they feel they are doing God's will? What about the people protesting at funerals of our military with "God hates fags" signs? What faith do you think they claim to be if asked? For that matter, do you want to make a wager on what faith the people who wrote threatening letters to the Dixie Chicks for their comments on Bush identify themselves as? Scuds, people who want to do violence can persuade themselves they are doing God's will, regardless of what faith they follow. And they won't ask for forgiveness; they'll go out and do more violence. And we can say that they aren't really following the teachings of the Fisher of Men, but they see differently. I imagine most moderate Moslems probably say the extremists aren't following the true teachings of Mohammed. My stepbrothers are Moslem and they both voted for Bush. Twice. Nitwits. (I say that lovingly, actually; I adore my stepbrothers) I don't think you'll find them claiming they have a right to kill nonbelievers. Back to you-- this is interesting, BTW; I enjoy your posts on this. |
![]() I won't bore you with quotes from the prophet Muhammad that encourage his followers to kill the nonbelievers.You evidently don't think Moslems believe their own prophet's words.Here is a more interesting quote indeed.
"Eleven things are impure: urine, excrement, sperm...non-Moslem men and women...and the sweat of an excrement-eating camel." Ayatollah Khomeini |
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Go figure. I really don't wish to discuss religions...because they ALL suck imho. And yes, Jesus did speak against violence. "He who lives by the sword will die by it." He also said that the prophets needed to be fulfilled, and so He healed the ear of the priest's slave at Gathsemene when he was betrayed. But the real truth is that Jesus NEVER wished to establish a "religion". "Religion" gives people an excuse to be self-righteous. It allows them to judge and kill others that don't believe as they do, whether it's a Jihad or a crusade. "The blind leading the blind." I'll close by saying there is a very big difference between "religion" and "spirituality." I'm not going to try to explain the term "spirituality". Only those that seek it will find it. When Jesus was asked, "Where is the Kingdom of God?" He responded by saying that, "It is all around you, you just don't see it." And the only thing I could possibly add to that is, "Where is hell?" It's everywhere that self righteous "believers" find excuses to remain blind. |