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Old 01-27-2009, 09:37 AM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by SOREHOOF
She seems to use her own head. This pick makes me think Patterson uses his too. She's in my area too, and unlike Kasept I don't think the Gov. needs to think about upstate for one second to get re-elected. I think it was a good pick. She voted against the bailout and that showed intelligence and b@lls.

problem is she is pro-gun

the liberal base of the DEM party in NY , is anti gun , unless Chuck can get her to change her position on this issue she won't win the primary in my opinion to even face a republican
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Old 01-27-2009, 03:50 PM
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Gun laws that aim to keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens do nothing to protect anyone. Criminals don't obey laws so what's the matter with speaking out in support of the 2nd amendment? I take my right to own firearms very seriously. There are lots of guns where I live and very little crime. In NYC there are lots of gun restrictions and lots of crime.
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Old 01-27-2009, 04:04 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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i am not arguing what you are saying

just stating that most NY dem's are not in the pocket of the NRA and most are fighting for tougher gun laws , it will be hard for me to see the party getting behind our new senator without her changing her positon on this
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Old 01-27-2009, 04:04 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by SOREHOOF
Gun laws that aim to keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens do nothing to protect anyone. Criminals don't obey laws so what's the matter with speaking out in support of the 2nd amendment? I take my right to own firearms very seriously. There are lots of guns where I live and very little crime. In NYC there are lots of gun restrictions and lots of crime.

Obviously you believe this relationship to be true because you wrote it, but I could also say that there are few guns in many other countries and little crime.

And you may interpret the intention of the second ammendment however you wish, but there are many that feel a "well armed militia" has nothing to do with your rights to own as many guns as you please.

Not a popular opinion I know, but as seriously as you take your right to own firearms, I just as strongly believe you shouldn't have that right, at least not without a lot tighter controls.
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Old 01-27-2009, 04:19 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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So I dont know if I can be a republican anymore.

I was just reading the fox forum about Pelosi... and I just dont know if I can be associated with those type of people.

It was all hate speech directed at gays, hispanics, blacks, etc.. they called Obama a primate. Basically the people on that forum are the people who believe if you are not white and very much Christian, then you are not a "real" american.. but a psycho libtard.

What happened to the republican party? What happened to small goverment, strong military, low taxes & staying out of peoples lives?? The whole party is know being represented by people who preach hate instead of tolerence! What makes a white person better than an hispanic person... or a gay person worse than a straight person. NOTHING DOES.

The republican party will NEVER be of significance again if they do not change that perception. I know that the entire party is not like that, but the ones in the news give a the rep's a real bad name. The majority of this country has grown up and is way past prejudice and bigotry. This party needs a lot more John McCains and a lot less Sarah Palins.

I'm still going to believe in core conservative principles, but I'm going to stay far away from the fox forum.

Just venting.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 01-27-2009, 04:42 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
So I dont know if I can be a republican anymore.

I was just reading the fox forum about Pelosi... and I just dont know if I can be associated with those type of people.

It was all hate speech directed at gays, hispanics, blacks, etc.. they called Obama a primate. Basically the people on that forum are the people who believe if you are not white and very much Christian, then you are not a "real" american.. but a psycho libtard.

What happened to the republican party? What happened to small goverment, strong military, low taxes & staying out of peoples lives?? The whole party is know being represented by people who preach hate instead of tolerence! What makes a white person better than an hispanic person... or a gay person worse than a straight person. NOTHING DOES.

The republican party will NEVER be of significance again if they do not change that perception. I know that the entire party is not like that, but the ones in the news give a the rep's a real bad name. The majority of this country has grown up and is way past prejudice and bigotry. This party needs a lot more John McCains and a lot less Sarah Palins.

I'm still going to believe in core conservative principles, but I'm going to stay far away from the fox forum.

Just venting.
It's a good vent...and not because of the party affiliations. I would probably be willing to bend on the lesser of my "Liberal" leanings if the far right didn't freak me out so much. I think there are a lot of middle grounds on a lot of very sensitive issues that both sides are afraid to give any ground on. Would I like all guns to be eliminated from the face of the Earth...sure..Do I think it's realistic or reasonable, no. But if the gun control advocates are faced with the NRA's unbending message, the vision of Charlton Heston doing the "cold, dead hands" thing, etc how can I respect SOREHOOF and his feelings that guns are a right of ownership? Being called a Communist or a Dumbocrat just makes me that much more driven to shove the far right's ideas of how this World should be run up their ass. And I'm not talking about Conservatives...I'm talking about the lunatic fringe emboldened and encouraged by Coulter, Limbaugh, etc

Neither side will ever get everything they want, but I've always thought it pretty obvious which side preaches fear and which doesn't.
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Old 01-27-2009, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32

It was all hate speech directed at gays, hispanics, blacks, etc.. they called Obama a primate. Basically the people on that forum are the people who believe if you are not white and very much Christian, then you are not a "real" american.. but a psycho libtard.

What happened to the republican party? What happened to small goverment, strong military, low taxes & staying out of peoples lives?? The whole party is know being represented by people who preach hate instead of tolerence! What makes a white person better than an hispanic person... or a gay person worse than a straight person. NOTHING DOES.
Lori. Seriously, you just realized this all NOW?!

Maybe we should have spent more time keeping in touch the last few years
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Old 01-27-2009, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob

Obviously you believe this relationship to be true because you wrote it, but I could also say that there are few guns in many other countries and little crime.

And you may interpret the intention of the second ammendment however you wish, but there are many that feel a "well armed militia" has nothing to do with your rights to own as many guns as you please.

Not a popular opinion I know, but as seriously as you take your right to own firearms, I just as strongly believe you shouldn't have that right, at least not without a lot tighter controls.
Do you have any idea what you have to go through to get a handgun permit in the state of N.Y.? Most of the guns used in crimes are illegal. Lets enforce the laws that are on the books already before we enact new laws that will only be targeted at law abiding citizens. I believe in severe penalties for any crime involving a gun, and even more severe for crimes involving an illegal gun. I respect your opinion but I do disagree.The countries that have few guns and little crime probably have very little freedom compared to the U.S.A. I believe the right to bear arms was put in by the founding fathers in case we the people had to overthrow the Govt. At the time the people were able to own any weapon the military had.
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:01 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob

Obviously you believe this relationship to be true because you wrote it, but I could also say that there are few guns in many other countries and little crime.

And you may interpret the intention of the second ammendment however you wish, but there are many that feel a "well armed militia" has nothing to do with your rights to own as many guns as you please.

Not a popular opinion I know, but as seriously as you take your right to own firearms, I just as strongly believe you shouldn't have that right, at least not without a lot tighter controls.

there are probably just as many who read the second amendment as allowing you to own guns. kind of like freedom of the press includes more than the newspapers...
there are limits already on gun ownership-no felons, no nut cases.

now, i used to think that you shouldn't have many limits of what kind of weapons you can own-and i don't feel that for the most part it's law abiding citizens who are the problem insofar as guns are concerned.
but my dipshit neighbors bought their 16 year old an i'm thinking maybe a couple rules about what kind of guns might not be such a bad idea...and they are breaking the law, altho it would be hard to hit them with it-you are supposed to be 18 to possess a weapon, and no one is supposed to give a gun as a gift, the gun is supposed to be owned by whoever filled out the paperwork. but of course if the police showed up and asked, timmi would claim ownership, not his son....
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
now i'm thinking maybe a couple rules about what kind of guns might not be such a bad idea......
I don't totally toe the line either way on this one, but this gets to the heart of how I basically feel about it. I have no problem at all with people having guns in their home, I was brought up in a house with a gun and learned how serious they were and how to use one at a very young age, and certainly wouldn't mind having one in my home one day.

On the other hand, I do not need a machine gun in my closet.

And I'm not a big concealed carry fan either. Guns in the home don't bother me one bit though, oddly enough.
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:10 PM
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There's always going to be nuts and there's always going to be tragedy with or without more gun laws. Last year there was a brilliant idea to let illegal aliens get driver licenses. And someone wants to take my guns?
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by brianwspencer
I don't totally toe the line either way on this one, but this gets to the heart of how I basically feel about it. I have no problem at all with people having guns in their home, I was brought up in a house with a gun and learned how serious they were and how to use one at a very young age, and certainly wouldn't mind having one in my home one day.

On the other hand, I do not need a machine gun in my closet.

And I'm not a big concealed carry fan either. Guns in the home don't bother me one bit though, oddly enough.
Conceal and carry permit is almost impossible to get in my county. If you got your permit in the 80's it was automatic.
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:32 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by brianwspencer
I don't totally toe the line either way on this one, but this gets to the heart of how I basically feel about it. I have no problem at all with people having guns in their home, I was brought up in a house with a gun and learned how serious they were and how to use one at a very young age, and certainly wouldn't mind having one in my home one day.

On the other hand, I do not need a machine gun in my closet.

And I'm not a big concealed carry fan either. Guns in the home don't bother me one bit though, oddly enough.
we had to buy a larger safe, we have so many now....but they all have their uses, and reasons why we have them...but no ak-47's, and only one handgun that was passed down to tony from his grandfather.
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by gales0678
problem is she is pro-gun

the liberal base of the DEM party in NY , is anti gun , unless Chuck can get her to change her position on this issue she won't win the primary in my opinion to even face a republican
I'll get on this right away
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Old 01-27-2009, 08:03 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
I'll get on this right away
that would be Schumer

we need you to put another "Mixteca" over like you did a few years ago
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Old 01-27-2009, 08:23 PM
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Both sides have their wackos... and we do need to find a middle for sure. But first and foremost I think we can all (oops majority) agree we're taxed too much, schools suck, no one needs an AK47, gays should be allowed the same rights as straights, abortion should happen at the beginning of a pregnancy, we're too dependent on Middle East and now Venezuelian oil etc. etc. You finally found the platform for the 1rst true independant Pres. Of course in this day and age we'll have to come up with something media friendly like the "American Party".
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 01-27-2009, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
Both sides have their wackos... and we do need to find a middle for sure. But first and foremost I think we can all (oops majority) agree we're taxed too much, schools suck, no one needs an AK47, gays should be allowed the same rights as straights, abortion should happen at the beginning of a pregnancy, we're too dependent on Middle East and now Venezuelian oil etc. etc. You finally found the platform for the 1rst true independant Pres. Of course in this day and age we'll have to come up with something media friendly like the "American Party".
Add "limited government" and I'm in.
Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs!
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