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Old 07-24-2009, 09:31 PM
Coach Pants
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Actually 2010 is pretty important. Doh.
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
Keep fighting..only seven more years to go
you got to feel comfortable OB said he prays to God all the time for guidance.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:35 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
Actually 2010 is pretty important. Doh.
Considering the Dems shut down his two worse policies..Cap and Trade and the Health Bill, they obviously are concerned with re-election.

And I'm glad they did. Especially the Health Billl.
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:36 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
you got to feel comfortable OB said he prays to God all the time for guidance.
I think you know better than to go
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:37 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
you got to feel comfortable OB said he prays to God all the time for guidance.
And the only one who should be thanking god today is Eddie Perez for not getting DQ'd in that abortion of a non-call at AP today.
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
you got to feel comfortable OB said he prays to God all the time for guidance.
Not nearly as comfortable as when the last guy declared that he was God's messenger. That seemed to work really well didnt it?
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
And the only one who should be thanking god today is Eddie Perez for not getting DQ'd in that abortion of a non-call at AP today.
is it raining down there?
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:44 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
is it raining down there?
On and off.. an occasional rumble, but enough that the hound is down here.
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Old 07-25-2009, 02:42 AM
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Originally Posted by randallscott35
WTF!!!! You guys are hysterical. This is the problem. This has nothing to do about race. Nothing. A white guy in the same situation would've been treated the same way. This cop teaches classes on profiling at his department and how not to do it.....Everyone wants to inject race into everything b/c it suits their needs or their desire for justice. It isn't here. Comprende? DrugS with comments like "aren't they all" you do nothing but show your own idiocy. So have at it.
Who said anything about race?

When I said "aren't they all?" I was reffering to professors. You're the one who wants to make it about race for some reason.
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Old 07-25-2009, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by randallscott35
Amazing that this "racist country" through and through elected a black president.
'Twas a perfect storm. Winning Indiana was due to Scuds needing a Republican to win that state(for $2k, I couldn't pull that off...fkn pathetic.) Would of been turning $50 into $2k, but I could not get those fkn Goobers to vote for Goober. Couldn't even get Goober to make a campaign stop there. He sent da Hildabeast, but he was too busy wasting his efforts trying to win Pennsylvania(Hildabeast had a kid while well over forty, and she is still smarter.)
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Old 07-25-2009, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
I have no idea what you are talking about. What was the professor mad about? If I'm trying to break into my own house (or even my own car if I locked the keys inside) and the cops come up to me and ask me what I'm doing, I'm not going to start ranting and raving. I'm not going to be angry at them. I'm going to tell them that this is my house (or car) and show them my identification.
While sitting in a parked car(not breaking any laws,) how many times have you been approached by police? I don't know how many times it's happened to me, but (I do know) it's only happened when someone Black was with me. So, they are being stopped more (than whites) when they are doing nothing wrong. This takes a toll on them. So, I think it's a lot easier (in the circumstances involved in this case) for whites to "be quiet," and do what the cop says. Unless you've been in their shoes, you don't know how much anger you would feel to (once again) be bothered while being innocent of any crimes. This does not excuse the guy verbally abusing the cop, but it's a major factor involved. I think the question involved here is does a cop get to take someone into jail for simply running their mouth off while in their own home. That's the question. Yes, it is a question that involves race(since most running their mouths are gunna be Blacks who have been stopped while innocent...a lot.) Why can't they just give out some sort of citation, or warning? Why does verbal abuse against a cop(in a citizen's own home) have to result in physically taking a suspect into jail? Regardless, I think (whenever possible )you should not be arrested by the one you're accused of breaking the law against. That just encourages cops to dish out their own personal revenge. If they want to take someone in for running their mouths off at a cop(while in their own home,) then at least have another set of cops(who aren't verbally abused by him) take him in.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 07-26-2009 at 10:34 PM.
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Old 07-25-2009, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Its 2009 and we are supposed to be a progressive country.
It's not a progressive country. He was running against a dumb guy, and a hildabeast. He's a natural leader, and short dumbo is a born opposition leader(big difference between those two.) When you combine the materialistically selfish(b.t.w...the majority who post in this political forum) with the Bible thumpers(again a type of selfishness,) that's a solid majority in this country.
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Old 07-25-2009, 06:01 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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LORI please read what the black cop and hispanic cop who were there on the scene said about the incident

I'm not saying it does nox exist(racial profiling) in the USA or Ocala FL , but, take a good hard look at what the minority po's said about why he was pulled in in the 1st place
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Old 07-26-2009, 08:14 PM
johnny pinwheel johnny pinwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
And he's a complete puss for apologizing.

The professor can overreact and be a dick all he wants .. he's on private property.

The cop's job is to enforce the law. He's not a high school principle out to punish rude behavior.
i agree totally with you even though your taking crap. i'm white, if some cop comes up to my door for i/d he better have a good reason. i won't hesitate to piss all over his parade in MY yard! i don't give a crap what he thinks he got called there for its MY property and if i get pissed off for him questioning me on MY property, he best not arrest me. like you said people are stupid and politicians are cowards. obama said the right thing then back peddled like a complete puss. the reason that this country has gone to Sh^t is this sheep, follow authority mentality. no one questions anything and accepts any garbage the government hands out. if the cop does not want me cussing him out then he can stay off MY land. otherwise, his mother does suck and whats he going to do about it? arrest me ? i think not. arrested on your front porch, for being insulted by some numb nut cop? welcome to the USSR of the united states. the color has no meaning here when you are arrested like this. can you say police state ? charges had to be dropped, if he sues, well there goes the we had some moron deputy up here arrest a kid for kicking a baseball helmet at a pony league game. he was the coach of the opposing team and sent his buddies over to arrest the kid the next day. guess what happened to him? most cops are good, but you give some guys a gun and badge and they are dumber than a 40 year old virgin with a hard on. its called power drunk! if someone gets pissed off abouit you barging onto THEIR property without permission. the cop should say good day, sorry we bothered you on YOUR property. i don't care if the guy called him the child of satan !

Last edited by johnny pinwheel : 07-26-2009 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 07-26-2009, 11:09 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by johnny pinwheel
i agree totally with you even though your taking crap. i'm white, if some cop comes up to my door for i/d he better have a good reason. i won't hesitate to piss all over his parade in MY yard! i don't give a crap what he thinks he got called there for its MY property and if i get pissed off for him questioning me on MY property, he best not arrest me. like you said people are stupid and politicians are cowards. obama said the right thing then back peddled like a complete puss. the reason that this country has gone to Sh^t is this sheep, follow authority mentality. no one questions anything and accepts any garbage the government hands out. if the cop does not want me cussing him out then he can stay off MY land. otherwise, his mother does suck and whats he going to do about it? arrest me ? i think not. arrested on your front porch, for being insulted by some numb nut cop? welcome to the USSR of the united states. the color has no meaning here when you are arrested like this. can you say police state ? charges had to be dropped, if he sues, well there goes the we had some moron deputy up here arrest a kid for kicking a baseball helmet at a pony league game. he was the coach of the opposing team and sent his buddies over to arrest the kid the next day. guess what happened to him? most cops are good, but you give some guys a gun and badge and they are dumber than a 40 year old virgin with a hard on. its called power drunk! if someone gets pissed off abouit you barging onto THEIR property without permission. the cop should say good day, sorry we bothered you on YOUR property. i don't care if the guy called him the child of satan !

the policeman was called because someone thought a breaking/entering was occurring. of course he's going to ask for i.d. after being told 'i live here' by the possible perpetrator-you think cops don't hear that every day from folks who don't live there? probably no more often then they hear 'my speedometer must be off'. at any rate, being on your own property doesn't mean you can make your own rules by any means-and i'd imagine if you stayed calm, handed over your i.d. so that the mean old cop would see you were telling the truth, then nothing would escalate.
policemen deal with the dregs of society on a regular basis-if you did the same you might be just as cynical as they are. and keep in mind, usually the first person they encounter on a call, is the one they need to arrest. innocent bystanders, in general, don't have the cops called on them.
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Old 07-26-2009, 11:22 PM
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As an ex-cop I can tell you that cops do all types of profiling, it's not just racial profiling, I think it's actually more socio-economical profiling. What I mean by that is, if you don't look like an upstanding citizen, look like you don't belong where you are or just look like a dirtbag, you're more likely to get stopped and talked to.

An example: I was patrolling a big city in California while on break-in (this was back in the early 90's) and drove past a two white guy talking outside a run down house. One was drinking a beer in the front yard of the house and the other was wearing jeans and a "wife beater" and straddling a 10-speed bike. I drove past and my training officer said, "don't you want to stop and talk with those guys?" I said no, why would I? His reply was "It's the middle of the day and this guys drinking beer outside, you've got probable cause (drinking in public). You want to talk to the guy on the bike, only reason a grown man rides a bike is if he's wearing those silly-ass tight shorts trying to be Greg LeMond (this was before Lance). Guy wearing jeans riding a bike means he doesn't have a car and probably doesn't have a license, so maybe he's got warrants. Maybe one of those guys has something (drugs, weapon) on him. If you're lucky, you'll be able to hook one of these guys." My reply to him was, "So, by your logic, if my father is sitting on his front step in Los Altos (an upper-middle class town), enjoying a glass of wine and chatting with his neighbor who just got back from a 20 mile bike ride, he too could get stopped and questioned by the cops." My training officer replied, "No, you stop the ones you can arrest, not the ones that will complain to the department".

I'm not saying that this is right or even the approach of many cops, but this was just one of several instances like this where I was directed or trained to stop someone based upon how they looked. If they look like they didn't belonged where I saw them or if they looked like a "dirtbag" that I could arrest, I stopped them.

So, being "Black in America" isn't really the crime, being "suspicious and verbally combative" is what will get you arrested... but so will being a white guy driving through a Hispanic neighborhood known for drug activity. Innocent folks aren't generally verbally combative with the cops, they're usually a little nervous and embarrassed and try to comply with the cops so they can get out of there as soon as possible. Soon as you start mouthing off to a cop, you can expect that you will lose control of the situation. Not many folks can win an argument with a cop out in the field, cops just aren't wired that way.
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
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Old 07-27-2009, 03:41 AM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by johnny pinwheel
i agree totally with you even though your taking crap. i'm white, if some cop comes up to my door for i/d he better have a good reason. i won't hesitate to piss all over his parade in MY yard! i don't give a crap what he thinks he got called there for its MY property and if i get pissed off for him questioning me on MY property, he best not arrest me. like you said people are stupid and politicians are cowards. obama said the right thing then back peddled like a complete puss. the reason that this country has gone to Sh^t is this sheep, follow authority mentality. no one questions anything and accepts any garbage the government hands out. if the cop does not want me cussing him out then he can stay off MY land. otherwise, his mother does suck and whats he going to do about it? arrest me ? i think not. arrested on your front porch, for being insulted by some numb nut cop? welcome to the USSR of the united states. the color has no meaning here when you are arrested like this. can you say police state ? charges had to be dropped, if he sues, well there goes the we had some moron deputy up here arrest a kid for kicking a baseball helmet at a pony league game. he was the coach of the opposing team and sent his buddies over to arrest the kid the next day. guess what happened to him? most cops are good, but you give some guys a gun and badge and they are dumber than a 40 year old virgin with a hard on. its called power drunk! if someone gets pissed off abouit you barging onto THEIR property without permission. the cop should say good day, sorry we bothered you on YOUR property. i don't care if the guy called him the child of satan !
I think that we all agree with you that the police have no right to come to a person's house or enter a person's house for no reason. For them to enter your house, they need probable cause.

If a neighbor reports hearing yelling or screaming coming from a house and there could be something going on there such as a domestic disturbance, an altercation, etc. then the police have the right to enter the house and investigate. If a neighbor thinks they saw someone breaking into a house, the police have the right to go and investigate. They don't just have the right to investigate, they have a duty to investigate. That's their job.

Their investigation involves going to the house and interviewing the occupants to find out what is going on. If the occupants are belligerent or uncooperative and are impeding the investigation, then the police have every right to arrest them. If the occupants are cooperative and the police determine that no crime has been committed, then there won't be any problem and the police will leave.
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Old 07-27-2009, 05:09 AM
docicu3 docicu3 is offline
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Their investigation involves going to the house and interviewing the occupants to find out what is going on. If the occupants are belligerent or uncooperative and are impeding the investigation, then the police have every right to arrest them. If the occupants are cooperative and the police determine that no crime has been committed, then there won't be any problem and the police will leave.[/quote]

A very fine line here when you use uncooperative and beligerant in the same sentence in this context.

If a cop shows up in my home uninvited and starts to agressively interogate me in my home for little probable cause then I have every right to remain silent to his inquires, if that's belligerent then I would be guilty of such.

No citizen is under any obligation to answer any policeman's questions. He has the choice to have the conversation at the station house in the presence of an officer of the court or his/her lawyer. It certainly would look far different if this conversation took place in a dark bank at 300 AM but in my house without an invitation the police need to show probable cause for entry, especially without a warrant. I have yet to read or hear a solid argument for why the police were really there.

None of us were actually there so certainly we are all choosing to interpret what we think went on with our own biases but if our homes offer no refuge from unnecessary persecution what country has this become?
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Old 07-27-2009, 05:42 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by docicu3
Their investigation involves going to the house and interviewing the occupants to find out what is going on. If the occupants are belligerent or uncooperative and are impeding the investigation, then the police have every right to arrest them. If the occupants are cooperative and the police determine that no crime has been committed, then there won't be any problem and the police will leave.
A very fine line here when you use uncooperative and beligerant in the same sentence in this context.

If a cop shows up in my home uninvited and starts to agressively interogate me in my home for little probable cause then I have every right to remain silent to his inquires, if that's belligerent then I would be guilty of such.

No citizen is under any obligation to answer any policeman's questions. He has the choice to have the conversation at the station house in the presence of an officer of the court or his/her lawyer. It certainly would look far different if this conversation took place in a dark bank at 300 AM but in my house without an invitation the police need to show probable cause for entry, especially without a warrant. I have yet to read or hear a solid argument for why the police were really there.

None of us were actually there so certainly we are all choosing to interpret what we think went on with our own biases but if our homes offer no refuge from unnecessary persecution what country has this become?[/quote]

from what i read, gates had a difficult time getting in his front door, and i guess was forcing it open...apparently someone thought he was breaking in his own house. perhaps the profiling in this case was done by whomever called the cops?
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Old 07-27-2009, 08:04 AM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig
A very fine line here when you use uncooperative and beligerant in the same sentence in this context.

If a cop shows up in my home uninvited and starts to agressively interogate me in my home for little probable cause then I have every right to remain silent to his inquires, if that's belligerent then I would be guilty of such.

No citizen is under any obligation to answer any policeman's questions. He has the choice to have the conversation at the station house in the presence of an officer of the court or his/her lawyer. It certainly would look far different if this conversation took place in a dark bank at 300 AM but in my house without an invitation the police need to show probable cause for entry, especially without a warrant. I have yet to read or hear a solid argument for why the police were really there.

None of us were actually there so certainly we are all choosing to interpret what we think went on with our own biases but if our homes offer no refuge from unnecessary persecution what country has this become?

from what i read, gates had a difficult time getting in his front door, and i guess was forcing it open...apparently someone thought he was breaking in his own house. perhaps the profiling in this case was done by whomever called the cops?[/QUOTE]

the 911 caller said it looked as though someone was breaking into the house , the caller did not say black or white to the 911 dispatcher
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