Incredibly sad
I don't have the link for it, but a young (early 20's) Campbell County, VA girl gave birth to a baby during the middle of the night on friday. Police were called to the residence about a girl being in labor, but when they showed up, the girl had delivered about 10 hours earlier and the baby was dead after being suffocated by the mother. As incredibly sad as that is, due to a Virginia Law, there is nothing that this girl can be charged with. Because the baby was still attached by the umbilical cord and the placenta was still in the mother, the baby "legally" had not formed its own identity. Also, this was no premature birth. She carried the baby to full term.
Dude that is disturbing........its a baby , a live human being and she should be charged with first degree murder.
Horses are like strawberries....they can go bad overnight. Charlie Whittingham |
Jack McCoy would get her on a technicality
What do you expect from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Glad I didnt retire in that state. That lady deserves life in prison.
you can thank convoluted logic and ultra-left leaning folks for laws such as this one. after all, if you charged her, there are some late pregnancy abortion patients who would have to look for lawyers. it all comes down to the want of the mother it seems. she basically killed it, but that's ok. now, had she been about to deliver and someone shot her, killing a baby she had wanted-the shooter would be up on charges. figure that out.
Thanks miraja
that'll work too. somehow it'll turn out to be bush's fault tho. |
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!" |
Have they released this piece of crap's name anywhere? Or is the press and police protecting her privacy?
"Most states in the U.S. have baby safe haven laws, allowing people to turn over their babies unharmed to a local receiving organization without the threat of prosecution. Normally, the receiving agency is a hospital emergency room, responsible adult, manned fire department, or police station. You must arrive with the baby unharmed and be handed over to a person---NOT left in a lobby, doorway, or unattended. Very kind, concerned, and professional men and women will help you from there."
http://www.wikihow.com/Drop-Off-an-Unwanted-Baby I don't understand why someone would kill their baby when it is so easy to find a home for the baby. It's totally hassle-free. You drop the baby off at a fire-station or hospital and you're done with it. That's a helluva lot better than killing the baby. I guess some of these women are probably so uneducated that they don't even know about these options. |
The sick biatch needs to made to have a hysterctomy asap so she doesnt have to worry about getting pregnant and having to kill another baby.
Horses are like strawberries....they can go bad overnight. Charlie Whittingham |