http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010...ack-lawmakers/ |
there you go.
224-206. the rest from here on out is pantomime. |
Do I think he's doing an "awesome" job..no..there are a lot of things I don't agree with. But I save my hatred for those that deserve it..Hitler, Bin Laden, Child Molesters, etc. I will not "hate" a President because I disagree with his policies, let alone choose a stupid name and ridicule him on some horse board. I disliked Bush and thought many things he did tower over anything that Obama has done in terms of harming our country, but nothing would motivate me to forget my objectivity and just hate. You really think an excessive budget and a health care plan you don't like is worth this? This country went to war with Iraq because Bush either lied or was lied to..why don't you rail on the government taking over our lives about that? Get some perspective Jerry...there is an entire country and a much bigger World that will keep spinning and functioning no matter how big a bunker you dig and how many nifty nicknames you can find on www.insultourpresidentidontlike.com |
hearsay...no video....drudge had a link yesterday. |
you have to admit that drudge is a little dense and since i (apparently) don't have the right keywords for a successful search, it's a little difficult to refute. i know we don't trust each other but it's hard for me to believe that 3 members of congress along with staff lied and the chairman of the republican party fell for the ruse. along with a spokesperson for the tea party. no one's suggesting that all tea party supporter's are racists. but if you have evidence of a vast socialist conspiracy to manufacture false evidence that someone in a large crowd was an ass hole, post it. |
it's like derby trail politics/society is exactly tracking the devolution of conservative thought. i know i'm an elitist liberal and all but i call out scuds on his ridiculous rants. are conservatives so lock step that they're actually incapable of reining in their most radical spokespeople? |
i try timm. i really do. whenever you post whatever it is you imagine you thought you saw somewhere, i'll get back to you. |
http://www.frumforum.com/waterloo (It's okay to read, Timm- Frum is a conservative)
Gentlemen! We're burning daylight! Riders up! -Bill Murray |
slurs. |
i apologize for doubting you. random unposted video's you tell me you saw which don't contain any actual racial slurs which you could actually hear trump all other evidence. you are now a moderate republican. |
seriously timm, i'm willing to continue this discussion but everyone that agrees with you on the health care bill wants you to drop it.
you have to back away from whatever nutty blog you're reading to understand this. no one likes racist/gay bashing ass holes. it's better to just let it go. |
But I'll say that a couple of people got out of line...will that make you happy? |