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![]() This is unreal. The tax payers (at all levels) are bailing out the NYRA once again. The figure this time is $19mm. The NYRA is like a little kid that keeps begging his parents for money. I think they should be embarrassed and ashamed that they cannot stand on their own two feet. How in the world do they keep blowing their money. I swear they must have the most inept people running the NYRA.
The beauty in all of this is that the NYRA "condemns" the deal. The NYRA doesnt like "conditions" the state put on the money. The conditions are that the NYRA doesnt file for bankruptcy protection within the next 6 months and all the money isnt provided up front. It is going to be paid in 3 installments over the next 2 months. Ok this is hilarious. You ask for money but you dont want the money to come with any conditions. You know, beggers cannot be choosers. What a bunch of clowns. One board member went as far as saying that they $19mm wont be enough and that they will need more money in 30 days--WHAT!!!!! Freaking Unreal. |
![]() The taxpayers aren't losing anything. The money that is being given to NYRA is just sitting there in the state's vault waiting for some politicians pork project. The fact that the slots aren't up and running is where the real crime is. How come Yonkers is allowed to bend the law and offer slots even though the racing has been held up for months and months? Because Rooney is a Democrat and NYRA has always been run by Republicans. Simple politics as usual in the Empire state.
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![]() $19 Million to a State like NY, that's nothing, big story about nothing...
![]() Do you understand this situation at all?
Do you understand that the state lends money to state related organizations, like NYRA, in these situations with regularity? Do you understand they were given the money and are now being strung along for political reasons? Do you understand the amount of money the state is denying its taxpayers simply out of some perverse spite? How well acquainted with the NYRA/NY State political situation are you? |
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You have no understanding of how things work, not to say I do, but I don't pretend to...Your bashing of the NYRA was the same thing you did on the ESPN site, now it's over here...Please stop it, it's old and you have no point...$19 million is nothing to a state like NY, do you understand how much wealth is in that city and state? |
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Do you understand the political environment NYRA is, and has been, operating under? I am NOT saying they have been run perfectly, far from it, but I really think you have NO idea of the situation. By the way, in these situations, $30 million is nothing...and if the State hadn't been screwing NYRA over as regards to the slots, which EVERY OTHER TRACK AWARDED THEM IN NY STATE has been granted State approval ( and some years ago ), then this money would hardly be necessary. I will be happy to enlighten you at Churchill. I am tired of writing the same old obvious stuff. |
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![]() I hope they don't sell. And if they do please don't sell to the group that includes MAGNA and Churchill.
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![]() I will say this...I also think that the state is wrong by putting a 4% interest on the money loaned. No way should that be the case. If they are going to give them the money then it shouldnt be paid back with interest.
![]() I dont mean to bash the NYRA, cause I like them. However, I am sensitive to organizations of any kind not fiscally responsible. If you have $100 a month in income and your expensives are $300 a month, well you need to find a way to cut off $200 a month. I dont understand why they continue to alway need money. Please, someone explain this to me.
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Another thing I dont understand is why the NYRA is paying property tax. Most companies are exempt from property tax. I know Eli Lilly in Indy doesnt pay property tax but they have to employ a certain amount of people that live in a low income district. |
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I know jack diddly about the inner workings of the NYRA, so to some extent I am talking out of my behind, and yeah, I'm skeptical when gambling is involved, but they are not-for-profit and as such shouldn't be berated for not making a profit; it's not their mission. Yes, it's easier to understand a museum or a zoo not making money than a racetrack, but it's the same principle. If you want to grouse about taxpayers' money going where it shouldn't, let's talk about the several hundred million the new Yankees stadium is going to cost New Yorkers. THAT makes me mad... |