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Old 08-08-2012, 10:22 AM
Thepaindispenser Thepaindispenser is offline
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Exactly Riot, you cry about accusations against Obama yet you are fine with a baseless one made by a Senator who has never released his own tax records. You are a typical lefty, hypocrite sheep. Do you have to ask for David Axelrod's permission to go to the bathroom?
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post


you'd think the media would be better served just by reporting things that don't require speculation. how much money romney has means nothing to citizens in general, it doesn't have an affect on us. but his thoughts on taxes, spending, bank regulations are important. surely they could focus on that?

naaaa...we have a society that enjoys fluff, not serious stuff.
Beats reporting on Dancing With The Stars, a curious name for a show w/o any stars.

And I'd bet Valerie Jarrett knows what's in Mitt's IRA
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Then he can shut this nonsense down in a second by coming clean and showing his taxes. He refuses so in the court of public opinion he comes across as hiding something.
or it will just create a bunch more noise that deflects from the real issues.

Do we really need to talk about things like his wife's horse?
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:38 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
or it will just create a bunch more noise that deflects from the real issues.

Do we really need to talk about things like his wife's horse?
well, of course. it's important!

far more important than boring discussions about the economy, jobs, etc etc
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
how does anyone know what romney has in his ira?
Because he released a partial one year of tax returns, 2010, that shows he has $100 million in an IRA. It's not speculation, it's on his income tax return for the one year he released.

Does anybody here actually read the news? C'mon, guys - we have Fodder Of Xenophobes to spread fake news, we don't need to do it here.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:54 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
well, of course. it's important!

far more important than boring discussions about the economy, jobs, etc etc
Sorry Ziggy - there is nothing else to discuss - the economy and jobs are doing GREAT! Don't believe your own checkbook, or the decline in American savings, or the neighbors that have lost careers and have given up looking after 3 years

Riot has a ton charts that disprove reality convincingly!
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
Sorry Ziggy - there is nothing else to discuss - the economy and jobs are doing GREAT! Don't believe your own checkbook, or the decline in American savings, or the neighbors that have lost careers and have given up looking after 3 years

Riot has a ton charts that disprove reality convincingly!
Exactly what we need, Rude, more shallow broad-brush painting, with less specificity and accuracy! Yay!
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
Sorry Ziggy - there is nothing else to discuss - the economy and jobs are doing GREAT! Don't believe your own checkbook, or the decline in American savings, or the neighbors that have lost careers and have given up looking after 3 years

Riot has a ton charts that disprove reality convincingly!
You need to talk to del.. He personally has met over 100 people in the last couple years who came to this country with LESS than 30 bucks in their pockets and are now pulling in over a million a year.
Game Over
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:13 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
You need to talk to del.. He personally has met over 100 people in the last couple years who came to this country with LESS than 30 bucks in their pockets and are now pulling in over a million a year.
Nice one, J !
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:15 AM
Clip-Clop Clip-Clop is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
You need to talk to del.. He personally has met over 100 people in the last couple years who came to this country with LESS than 30 bucks in their pockets and are now pulling in over a million a year.
Is that $30 American and 1MM of whatever their home currency might be?
don't run out of ammo.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Clip-Clop View Post
Is that $30 American and 1MM of whatever their home currency might be?
Del wouldn't distort facts like that Clip...
Game Over
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:20 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
You need to talk to del.. He personally has met over 100 people in the last couple years who came to this country with LESS than 30 bucks in their pockets and are now pulling in over a million a year.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
You need to talk to del.. He personally has met over 100 people in the last couple years who came to this country with LESS than 30 bucks in their pockets and are now pulling in over a million a year.
It's actually a pretty simple plan but requires a lot of effort. But here's how it goes. You determine a business you would like to own/run ie. a gas station, hotel etc. You work at that job, of course at minimum wage (to start) for anywhere from 80-100 hrs a week. By saving all overtime even at $8 bucks /hr comes to almost $17K/year after 2 years $34K and a down payment on a service station or motel. Continuing working those same hours now as your own boss making 30-40 bucks an hour thus saving between 51K and 108K a year. Reinvesting that money in yet more service stations/motels/hotels makes you a manager of employees and your businesses and you'd be able to cut hours and enjoy success. What's funny is most don't but cut back from 80 hrs to 60 hrs a week and take a couple vacays.

Remember one guy interviewed while cleaning hallways at one of a dozen hotels he owns what his hobbies are: He said hobbies cost money and he has none.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:41 AM
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And on rare occasions I even come up with an American who realizes the dream thru nothing but hard work
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
It's actually a pretty simple plan but requires a lot of effort. But here's how it goes. You determine a business you would like to own/run ie. a gas station, hotel etc. You work at that job, of course at minimum wage (to start) for anywhere from 80-100 hrs a week.
The "plan" of working 80-100 hours a week allows no time for sleep, or eating, or procreating, or ever seeing your children, but hey ... it's the American Dream to work 16-17 hours a day at minimum wage, be unable to afford a car, no health insurance, little food, no house, and have a spouse you never see raise your kids as orphans.

That's crazy!

What type of "goal" is that?

To choose to suffer under a centuries-old self-flaggellating weird Puritan work ethic of lifetime punishment?

Do you guys realize that there are 36 other first world, democratic countries in this world, where everyone's health care is covered, getting sick won't take your house and life's savings; education in college or trade is inexpensive and readily obtainable for all; if you are unemployed the government will support you at a non-poverty rate while loaning you money to start your own business and get back on your feet quickly; where people choose the job they love and want to do, because being a garbage man pays as much a decent salary as being a lawyer; where people live measurably longer than in the US, own their own homes, with healthier lives, far more free time, vacation time, earlier retirement, and measurably happier lives?

Where people don't wake up every day in fear of poverty, illness, starvation, unemployment?

Where did this angry, "everything sucks, don't spend any money on improving our lives" attitude come from?

Why is America the only first world country trying to go backwards as far as quality of life goes?

The whole point of creating a country is to band together as a society, to help it's citizens live a good life. Not be filled with angry, cheap, resentful, intolerate, unhealthy mobs, that has the highest rates of murder and ill-health in the world of "first world" countries.

Can you imagine if we had spent all that money for Iraq on ourselves, and our own country? On our health care, our education, our technology, our businesses? And no, that has nothing to do with "government handouts", it's entirely about quality of life, and what countries value for their citizens and themselves.

America? Is all we value in 2012 invading other countries to try and get their oil and ensure Haliburton has extraordinary income? While our citizens suffer in poverty, ill-health, and half our population is unable to even live basic, good lives? And the half of our country in poverty are attacked by the wealthiest and told to contribute more to the overall "good", while the wealthy own the government and give themselves more 20% tax breaks?

People should be able to work 30-40 hours a week, and afford a house, a family, health care, retirement, a good life with vacations and enjoyment and free time. It happens in many other countries, but not commonly in the United States.
Because we as a society don't choose that life for ourselves. We're one of the richest countries in the world - we could certainly readily afford it.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts

Last edited by Riot : 08-08-2012 at 11:54 AM.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:51 AM
Clip-Clop Clip-Clop is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
The "plan" of working 80-100 hours a week allows no time for sleep, or eating, or procreating, or ever seeing your children, but hey ... it's the American Dream to work 16-17 hours a day at minimum wage, be unable to afford a car, no health insurance, little food, no house, and have a spouse you never see raise your kids as orphans.

That's crazy!

Do you guys realize that there are 36 other first world, democratic countries in this world, where everyone's health care is covered, getting sick won't take your house and life's savings; education in college or trade is inexpensive and readily obtainable for all; if you are unemployed the government will support you at a non-poverty rate while loaning you money to start your own business and get back on your feet quickly; where people choose the job they love and want to do, because being a garbage man pays as much a decent salary as being a lawyer; where people live measurably longer than in the US, own their own homes, with healthier lives, far more free time, vacation time, earlier retirement, and measurably happier lives?

Where did this angry, "everything sucks, don't spend any money on improving our lives" attitude come from?

Why is America the only first world country trying to go backwards as far as quality of life goes?

The whole point of creating a country is to band together as a society, to help it's citizens live a good life. Not be filled with angry, cheap, resentful, intolerate, unhealthy mobs, that has the highest rates of murder and ill-health in the world of "first world" countries.

Can you imagine if we had spent all that money for Iraq on ourselves, and our own country? On our health care, our education, our technology, our businesses? And no, that has nothing to do with "government handouts", it's entirely about quality of life, and what countries value for their citizens and themselves.

America? Is all we value in 2012 invading other countries to try and get their oil and ensure Haliburton has extraordinary income? While our citizens suffer in poverty, ill-health, and half our population is unable to even live basic, good lives? And they are attacked by the wealthiest and told to contribute more to the overall "good", while the wealthy own the government and give themselves more 20% tax breaks?
I concur. No one that has ever made more than 100K in a one year period should be allowed to enter into public service.
Everyone knows that the poor are in fact the most responsible and intelligent this country has to offer, they just need a helping hand.
don't run out of ammo.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:52 AM
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Here's a good example of a lost hippie finding his way to the American Dream albeit with $500

Singh was born Paul Arthur Labombard in 1952, in Fitchburg in north central Massachusetts. Like many people in that small factory town, he grew up poor. But from earliest childhood, Singh stood out from the crowd. He yearned for adventure and challenge. He taught himself to read at the age of four and the local library was a favorite childhood haunt. According to Singh, “I dreamed of someday visiting the world. I also learned that if you want to learn anything in life you can always find it in a book.”

Long before he developed his first property as Pritam Singh, Labombard displayed a flair for attracting media attention to causes he deemed worthy. As a teenager in Brunswick, Maine, where his family had moved, he was interviewed by Walter Cronkite in 1968 for his role in discovering illegal signatures on a petition to place the segregationist George Wallace on the presidential ballot in Maine.

In 1969, at the age of 17, seeking sun and serenity, Singh made his way to Florida, first to Miami and then on to Key West, where he spent several months sleeping on the front porch of a local inn. Though it would be 17 more years before he developed his first project there as Pritam Singh, the Florida Keys captured the imagination of the young and penniless Labombard, and over the years he would be drawn time and again to this delicate string of coral reef islands.

Also in that year, Singh was arrested and spent several days in jail with a group protesting the Vietnam War in Washington, D.C. His early political activism evolved into a spiritual search, however, and Labombard entered a Sikh Ashram in Massachusetts a couple of years later at the age of 19, remaining until he was 24. While in the Ashram, he married Kaitlin Briggs. It was also during this time that he took the name Pritam Singh. Pritam means “God’s Beloved” in the language of the Sikhs, and Singh, meaning “lion,” is the surname all Sikh men adopt.
The working years

In 1976 Singh emerged from his long period of meditation and study in the Sikh commune and moved to Portland, Maine. In Portland, he and Kaitlin had two daughters, first Siri Sahaj Kaur and then Charan Kamal Kaur. Kaur, meaning “Princess,” is the surname of all Sikh women. In 1979, after a period spent traveling to India, he bought his first house in Maine - a building that had been condemned after a fire - using a loan from his lawyer, a mortgage from the seller and $500 on his credit card. Singh turned the building into ten apartments.

He formed a company called Great Bay and began turning low cost and foreclosed properties into a series of small-scale development successes, and his career as one of America’s most talked about real estate developers began.

From the very beginning as a small New England builder focusing on historic preservation, Singh displayed the deep reverence for beauty and tradition, as well as for quality design and craftsmanship, that continues to distinguish his projects today.

Singh was a principal force in the revitalization of Portland’s downtown district with a series of acquisitions, each larger and more ambitious than the last. He took four historical buildings called Frothingham Yard and turned them into 16 affordable condominiums that sold out in two days. He purchased, renovated and quickly sold historic buildings like Carroll Mansion. He took two buildings in downtown and turned them into the Oakview Condominiums. Then came 35 condominiums at 99 Silver Street
And now

Pritam Singh is the Founder and President of the largest and most successful real estate development company in the Florida Keys. His firm currently has five major residential, resort and commercial projects under development, stretching from Key West to Marathon, with a combined valuation of more than one quarter of a billion dollars. His projects in Key West alone are estimated to have added over a billion dollars to the city’s tax base.

Singh has been responsible for the development of large-scale planned residential, resort and hotel projects in the Florida Keys worth over one billion dollars. These include such now well-known names as the Village at Hawk’s Cay, The Key West Golf Club and, most notably, the Truman Annex, The Singh Company’s signature project encompassing a resort hotel, upscale condominiums, single family homes and over 60,000 square feet of commercial space, all celebrated for their adherence to the simple yet beautiful architectural style that Key West made famous.

Singh is personally involved in every project his eponymous firm develops, and his keen eye for detail has taken on legendary proportions among the builders and contractors who work for him. An exacting perfectionist as well as a frequent world traveler, Singh has been known to bring back a particular style of porch light or doorknob he has spotted on his travels to Europe and Asia for use in a community he is developing.
So for God's sake America stop bitchin, stop coveting others' money and get a f'n job!
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
It's actually a pretty simple plan but requires a lot of effort. But here's how it goes. You determine a business you would like to own/run ie. a gas station, hotel etc. You work at that job, of course at minimum wage (to start) for anywhere from 80-100 hrs a week. By saving all overtime even at $8 bucks /hr comes to almost $17K/year after 2 years $34K and a down payment on a service station or motel. Continuing working those same hours now as your own boss making 30-40 bucks an hour thus saving between 51K and 108K a year. Reinvesting that money in yet more service stations/motels/hotels makes you a manager of employees and your businesses and you'd be able to cut hours and enjoy success. What's funny is most don't but cut back from 80 hrs to 60 hrs a week and take a couple vacays.

Remember one guy interviewed while cleaning hallways at one of a dozen hotels he owns what his hobbies are: He said hobbies cost money and he has none.
34K down payment on a hotel or service station and showing 8 bucks an hour job and the BANKS will be lining up to loan you money...
Game Over
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
34K down payment on a hotel or service station and showing 8 bucks an hour job and the BANKS will be lining up to loan you money...
You realize people don't always use banks? See above.
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Old 08-08-2012, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
34K down payment on a hotel or service station and showing 8 bucks an hour job and the BANKS will be lining up to loan you money...
What I don't get is how you are supposed to live on $8 an hour while you are saving all that overtime money up.

You need at least $15 an hour in the US to have a decent life.

Hello? America? Other countries do quality-of-life better, and we can get back to that, too!

Because gawd knows, we lost the realistic American Dream possibility (where one dad worked and that was enough to afford a good life, while mom stayed home in the house with the kids, and everyone had food, savings, retirement and vacations) back in the late 1970's.

Dell's view of saying, "you can still have part of that, if you work 80-100 hours a week" is a cruel, absurd, destructive, terrible way to live. Better we work towards making quality of life good for all citizens in America, and return it to being the land of opportunity and good lives.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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