Originally Posted by dellinger63
Can we stop the pissing match and simply focus on the condemnation of the barbaric, backwards culture that allows a 48 year old to 'own' a 15 year old bride. Regardless of party or President?
Dell, women are second class citizens everywhere in the world. Hell, here in the USA we have cultures that endorse 48 year old men marrying multiple teenage wives. And just because it's technically illegal here doesn't mean much to the women to whom it's happening in this nation, as we speak.
Polygyny (and polyandry, in the few cultures where that occurs) become the norm in various parts of the world for multiple reasons. But criticizing cultures as "backward" doesn't do anything towards creating equality of opportunity for those being affected, any more than calling anti-vaxxers morons is going to get them to do their civic duty and get their kids vaccinated.
EDIT to add: Well, okay, there are forager cultures that come much closer to gender equality than we do. Again, due to myriad factors.