2015 Call To Post Final Tally
2015 is in the books. At least the 7th I've participated in. Once again Don Guido was the overall Gallivan winner (for I think the 4th time). This is the ROI recap for the 49 weeks we played. The best ROI was registered by me, Real Quiet with an overall return of 32% and a profit of almost $1700, the first year I've ever been in the black. The only other player in positive territory was Indian Hemp who was at 21% and a $367 profit. 3rd, 4th and 5th were Digger, Arletta and Plenilune. The most wins were registered by Ruffian with 8, Plenilune with 7 and Don Guido and Arletta with 5 each. 13 players had at least one win. Congrats to Ruffian on a great year. Ummmm....we lost $16,000 on the year as a group. Don has graciously offered to pick up the virtual tab as the Gallivan champion (is that ok Don?). Special thanks go to the Call to Post Players. 10 showed up at least 40 weeks and 6 made all 49. I know its a grind but we couldn't do it without you. The best winning percentage was registered by Ruffian at 16% and the best player in the money (1st to 4th) was Digger hitting the board 46% of the times he played. This years Jacques Who Award goes to Cruzan who finished 2nd 5 times. The top 5 weeks were Real Quiet ($3545), Arletta ($850), Ruffian ($754), Indian Hemp ($723) and Roamin ($660). Thats it for now. Hope to see a lot of you on Nov.14th when we start shipping to the new venue's of 2016.
"The more I learn about humans, the more I love horses"