Originally Posted by freddymo
Tricky.. Don't think CHRB has the power to scratch a horse they feel will test hot. They afforded connections with pre race test results, how could CHRB KNOW that the horse wouldnt clear over the next few days, especially given the transparency they were afforded? If they scratch the horse connections certainly could claim they were outside their authority. they are there to inform and adjudicate not make decisions on behalf of connections. Would guess you would need to re write procedure and have it read your horse must test clear in advance for them to have authority to scratch a horse. Should that be the case in stakes? Maybe
shouldnt it been when all things are considered what is the best decision for the horse, the bettor, the sport? cmon.
Just to add, if this was just one instance of a bad decision being made in terms of protecting the people who support the sport it would be one thing, this type of thing is continually happening which just shows a lack of consideration for those who support the game (with their wallets i might add).