Originally Posted by somerfrost
That's an eloquent response...I guess using that logic you could defend slavery and genocide.
there is no defense for somebody unjustly imposing their will on another, either by forced labor, or forced redistribution of wealth. if you're going to apply any moral rule, you can not shape it for convenience.
i'm not a liberal or a conservative, not a democrat or republican. i find politicians boorish, and demigogues shallow at best, dishonest as a matter of course. having said that, i could go into a 10 page dissertation on how '60s style liberalism and "lyndon baines johnson" democracy has been the absolute unraveling of the united states and it's moral and ethical foundation. liberalism is not socialism, but it is the super-highway to get there. there is not a single example of socialism ever working in the 5000 years of the human advanced social experiment. it's a pipedream that goes against all the natural behavior of the human species. it's a philosophy that has always looked good on paper, made sense in the head, but hasn't worked because in all the reasoning on the subject over the past 2500 years since plato introduced it, the human spirit, good and bad, has never been taken into serious account. it's the rigidity of mathematical logic applied to something as viscus as the human experiment. the beauty of the unted states and it's constitution was that it made people (if you were white and a landowning male) responsible for yourself, and you had to live with the consequences of your actions. in the past 120 years, we have tried to extend those privileges to all people of this country. unfortunately, that process has been perverted by both left and right. no leftist leaning thought or agenda will ever fix it.
you need to re-think your opinions on communism in particular, and socialism in general. if everybody puts what they have in a bucket, and allows somebody else to distribute it, i, at this very moment, will volunteer to be the person that distributes it. i won't even ask for pay. don't worry about me, i'll get by.