First and foremost, I rarely bet Indiana Grand outside of Derby day.
But, I did find it interesting that they have adjusted Off Turf wagers with respect to multi-race wagers:
In addition to the date change, the IHRC also approved amendments to current rules for pari-mutuel racing. Races taken off the turf once the wagering pools have closed for the Pick 4, Pick 5 and Pick 6 will now become "all" wagers. The Pick 6 will now become a scenario where "all" horses in that race will be considered a winner. Formerly when a horse scratched from a race taken off the turf after the close of the wagering pools, the customer was given a substitute of the post-time favorite.
interested in hearing others thoughts on this. On one hand, you're not hooked into rooting for a horse you might not even want or like in the post-time favorite, while on the other hand the "all" button has to water these payouts down given the fact that it's a free square for everyone who's horse scratched out of the sequence.