I Think Barbaro Should Be Put Down
I've thought about this a lot recently, and discussed it with some board members as well. My belief is that it should've been done after the Preakness. The extent of his injuries and subsequent laminitis were massive. Every horse, other than a Derby winner, would have been put down. Add to it the negative coverage that comes from such a high profile horse and the work to save him makes sense. I think the Jackson's are good people, but it doesn't mean they are doing the right thing here. Horses don't speak, and sure the horse might not seem like he's in pain, but the constant surgeries and treatments are not going to stop. In fact he had another surgery last night....I don't see this having a happy ending. I think the mistake was made during the summer and its being compounded. Again, the animal lover in me thinks he should be put down. There is nothing noble about keeping him around to go from surgery to surgery to setback to setback.