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Old 02-14-2007, 03:36 PM
somerfrost's Avatar
somerfrost somerfrost is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
Stop with the compassion stuff. Not feeling sorry for Anna Nicole has nothing to do with having compassion. What exactly do you feel compassion for? That she married a 90 year old guy to get money? That she wasn't around him very much, especially not during his last days when he was asking for her? That the $25 or so million that she was offered after he died wasn't enough and she fought tooth and nail for more. I guess $25 million isn't enough to live off of. Or should I feel compassion for someone who sleeps with so many people that they don't know who the father of her baby is? I feel compassion for the baby. She is going to grow up without her mother, honestly probably better for her in the long run. And she will forever be known as Anna Nicole's kid, that's not an easy thing to be, and Anna Nicole certainly didn't make it any easier for her.

Not feeling sorry for someone has nothing to do with compassion? That's what compassion is! You spent a paragraph judging her and that's not for you to do! Compassion isn't something you feel for someone because they "earn" it, it's something you feel for someone cause they need it!!!!
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