Originally Posted by somerfrost
Well, I wasn't a music major in college and can't even carry a tune myself but I've always seemed to be able to tell when something is "off"...I thought a number of the girls were a bit "pitchy" at times but I don't think she was off key that badly...not more than those I rank beneath her anyway. Again, I would surrender to those who actually can read music...I can't...I'm just going on how she sounded to me and overall, I liked her performance. I think when 30-40 million folks vote, the majority are like me...going on how it sounded to them!
Don't get me wrong somer, I'm not trying to be judgmental. I suppose that I'm wary of how America votes for the competition (as illustrated by Taylor winning last year...at least he could stay on the right notes).
I don't claim to be the end-all of music conversations. I've made music, but am always realistic about my own vocal abilities, so I'm not even trying to judge them per se, but when someone sings a song that is just
all over the place it stands out like crazy to me.
Ha! Obviously I can't change how she sounds to you, I just get more and more horrified by her every week. These competitions are weird though, people can have really terrible weeks. Going back to her audition, I thought she was really really good, so perhaps the nerves and the mini-scandal have rattled her a bit, because I do know that she's better than she has been since the actual show started -- but I'm not letting that cloud how I feel about her actual performances the last two weeks.
To each their own! The beauty of Idol and discussing it on a forum for racehorses