How do you bet????(long)
When im betting i pick my horse and bet win/place usually at 2:1 ratio then i put my horse under some other in an ex. like 2,3,4/1 and do a tri 2,3,4/2,3,4/1 while im generating a decent profit so far this year it drives me crazy when all the horses i pick hit the board and i have the win but lose out on the ex and tri. Is there a better way to attack this? boxing gets kinda expensive but it is frustrating when my horse wins and ex returns $80 or higher and tri sometimes bigger. Any way to better use my top horse??? ANY advice would be greatly appreciated. LIke i said not trying to be greedy but i hate it when i see a race pretty clear and am right and i dont cream the race. I dont play pk 3' or pk 4's b/c im the king of the pick 3 of 4 and have gotten frustrated and no longer play them. i know there are some really really really good players on this board so id appreciate the advice. thanks