Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
Absolutely not and if it came across that way my bad. I was speaking more generally. I don't just get the flack Gore is getting for this. Sure he's kind of a dope, but I would have much rather he be our President right now than the guy currently there. I mean could it be any worse?
Since I know at least one person one here ( Arl Jim..don't bail on me now) I'll say this...umm...Al Gore..Love him or hate him or indifferent, should be our President right now. Or at least or former President. I think he should get creds for how close he got and how many people he got to vote for him. As far as Bush goes, even if you support him ( ouch), you have to admit that he has does nothing to help the environment. He even admits as much. He denies there is a problem. So if you think there is a problem, then you can't say Bush helped the cause. If you don't think there is a problem..then..well vote for Jenna when she turns 35, or whatever that age is