Info from those who do handicapping contests
I have a favor to ask from those of you who compete in handicapping contests- could you post here (or PM me; but it might be fun reading for the other DTers) what the contests that take place at the track itself are like? When do you arrive, where do you go, what do you do during the day (are you in one place, or do you roam), anecdotes, how the winner wins, etc. blah blah blah. I know next to nothing about them, so anything you want to tell about them is helpful to me.
I need it because I'm working on a script with two friends and the contest may or may not be a plot point in the story (depends on if it fits the flow and is plausible in the storyline). Ah, research...
Thanks DTers!
Gentlemen! We're burning daylight! Riders up! -Bill Murray