Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
That's not true. I bet if you check every single post I have made on this board since its inception, you won't find a single post where I boasted or "trotted my resume". I did it in this thread but that was in response to someone telling me that I don't have any expertise in watching a race. If a guy cites his credentials once a year and it's only when his credibility is questioned, I don't know how you could categorize that as being the king of trotting my resume.
I remember once when you were talking about sports, someone said that you probably don't even play sports. You responded by telling them that you are a good baseball player and had played at many different levels. That's not boasting or trotting your resume. That is simply defending yourself to someone whose assessment of you was incorrect.
I just want to echo what you said. I've read a lot of your posts and I never remember you going into so much detail about your resume or what you do. I actually found it interesting even if it wasn't exactly relavent. When I think of flashing resumes others come quickly to mind.
BTW I think when you say "I did it in this thread but that was in response to someone telling me that I don't have any expertise in watching a race.", I think you are referring to something I said. I didn't use those words nor was I trying to imply that. I was trying to make another point and its not that important to review again. From reading your posts it's clear that you have expertise in watching a race.