Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
CHUCK,I think the Cocaine is more of a private matter than anything else(as long as he gets tested when he rides.) I'm not just gunna overlook people driving so drunk they can't avoid still objects.I'm tired of that.Exactly when does all this become too much of a situation where a person like this is very susceptible to being bribed or blackmailed? I backed this guy enough.The D.U.I. is the last straw.If he doesn't give a **** about endangering people on the road,then I'm sure not gunna back him anymore.Also,people with serious mental issues aren't usually gunna be helped as much as people think.These are serious diseases that can be made more chronic than acute(but it's not like they are gunna be normal.) Compared to the rest of the medical Sciences,Psychiatrists are using 2 cups with string attached.
Not all of them Scuds....
I would have agreed with you until the specialty of psychiatry about 10 years ago split off a fraction of it's specialty as a subset which is referred to as "addictionologist's". These health care workers specialize in and only treat substance issues with far more accountability and insight than traditional psychiatry. The problem is identifying the real McCoy's from the docs who just say they specialize in substance issues. Medication breakthroughs with newer generation meds, a focus on intensive outpatient daily sessions lasting several hours and after care programs lasting at least 18 months are a few of the innovations that are part of this new approach to helping motivated addicts recover more sucessfully. These professionals use both individual and group approaches but the (1:1) 20 minute BS sessions and antiquated gumby meds never helped anyone who didn't also have a separate psych diagnosis apart from their addiction which is why this specialty ended up with addicts and alcoholics in the first place.
Believe me Scuds their is nothing more maddening than some shrink who won't answer his pager with a life threatening emergency because he's old school and while I have his 17 year old patient on a ventilator near death he's not taking my call for 12 hours while he gets his beauty sleep even though he's the only one that can tell me what this kid took (because he [prescribed the meds) so that I might be able to give an antidote to save a life....
The newer breed get it ......responsibility, and a more reasonable approach to treatment. Capiche!!