Originally Posted by cmfhb411
I get that people were complaining.
If you knew how to read, you would have noticed the portion of my previous post which stated "until we figure out".
Now everybody else, except you, seems to comprehend that my idea wasn't being proposed as a permanent deal.
Here are the facts:
Past-posting still exists, and the wagering public doesn't like it.
OK. If we shut off wagering 20 seconds earlier, past-posting stops.
But it only solves part of the problem. Our current systems can calculate final odds and display them no better than 45 seconds after the pools have been closed.
WHIIIIICH MEEEEEEANNNNNNS................now that the trust has been broken,
past-posting will still be suspected, since bettors will still see winners leave the
gate at 3/1 and cross the finish line at 9/5 odds.
There are two problems to be solved, not one.
The fans clearly want both issues addressed which can't be done overnight.
Therefore, we must bridge the gap between now and when that magical day reveals itself.
What's better than closing the pools 1-2 minutes before the gates open
as of today 3/29/2008 6:28 PM EST ?
Maybe you dont understand that way more customers were complaining when they tried it your way. There were big bettors that stopped betting on races at Churchill because they were tired of getting shutout or being forced to bet earlier than they wanted. They told management that they wouldnt be participating. So dont act like you have come up with some ingenious way to magically solve the problem. It has been attempted and was met with severe resistance from horseplayers.