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Old 04-05-2008, 01:27 AM
brianwspencer's Avatar
brianwspencer brianwspencer is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 4,894

Originally Posted by The Bid
I dont get it. Whats wrong with a transgender woman, whos now a man, being pregnant, and giving birth?

Look at it from the kids point of view, its not difficult to explain that your dad birthed you. Where do people get off thinking its a big deal if a kids father gives birth?

Will the dad breastfeed him? Is thats what next, some transgender fruitcake trying to breastfeed their child in public? Then I suppose there will be an outrage from all the liberals when people are offended by it.
On second thought, I've seen how wrong my thought was. You and Pgardn are right.


a mother
and a father.

You know, I get some objections. I really do. But on the other hand, I'm sick and tired of listening to people who have f*cked something up get all up in arms when someone else wants in. Gays want to get married? Nope, can't have it, it will ruin marriage. Obviously, unlike the 50% divorce rate ruins marriage. You want to have a child in an unorthodox fashion? Nope, can't have it, every child deserves a mother and a father.

When you suck at doing something, you don't get to play the moral relativity card and pretend that you have any right to tell anyone else they can't have it or can't do it.

Unless, of course, you're a self-righteous prick, then it's probably just standard operating procedure.

Nuff said.
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