Originally Posted by freddymo
I agree with Eric on this one.. How is an owner to know a trainer is currently cheating.. If I give a horse to trainer am I there to see what the trainer is doing? And why is it that a trainer can't change there training or cheating ways? In all walks of life people are given multiple chances to correct the mistakes that they have been made accountable for..
Listen, I am not playing patron saint, naive little boy, etc. on this. People who know me know that I've had horses with Scott Lake and they call me a hypocrite, an immoral person, someone who doesn't care, and guess what -- even worse! LOL. So be it.
I've never once defended Scott Lake. He's had multiple positives. He has taken his days, paid his fines, and that's that. Do not ask for an industry where someone gets a lifetime ban because of multiple clenbuterol positives (or some other legal drug). You will not have an industry.
Remember the ol' story -- they came for the Jews and I didn't say anything. They came for the Catholics and I didn't say anything. They came for the Protestants and I didn't say anything . . . then they came for me, and there was no one left to say anything.