Originally Posted by Danzig
this is from yesterday, i googled 'barack obama bush tax'. this came up first on the list...an excerpt:
Obama has change of heart about Bush tax cuts as polls favor McCain
By Ross Balano, Midwest Voices Columnist 2008
Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama had a change of heart yesterday about one of his major campaign issues; the Bush Tax Cuts.
The Associated Press quotes Obama as now saying that “he would delay rescinding President Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.”
Two things struck me about this comment.
First; he uses the term increase. This is the first time I’ve heard him admit that rescinding the Bush cuts would in reality be a tax increase.
Second; he admits that an increase would hurt the economy.
For about as long as he has been running for president, which seems like forever, Obama has been preaching the woes of the Bush Tax Cuts. For those of you in Alma, those are the tax cuts pushed through congress by President Bush that Obama and fellow Democrats claim were “tax breaks for the rich” and are “shrinking the middle class.” Repealing that work of the evil Bush administration was “job one.” So why the change of heart?
Perhaps you might want to find a new source for your "news" unless of course "midwest voices" is the new CNN and perhaps you might even want to post a link.