did you read the article? it has to do with certain states not following the law about removing voters from rolls. didn't mention the # of voters, how they compare to the population as a whole. has a lot to do with people having moved, and not having all their paperwork completely up to date for one--so, the state sees something doesn't tally with the ss paperwork, and off you go. probably has a lot to do with people updating their SS stuff(so as not to affect getting their federal tax return for example, as we all know you must give a proper physical address) while remaining in their home state, and their drivers license shows their old addy. after all, who updates their DL when they move in state? probably not many folks, i'd imagine they wait til the thing expires to avoid an extra fee.
the article doesn't discuss possible improper registration, but illegal removal of voters. BIG difference.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln