Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
You said yourself that Corporations are not interested in the welfare of workers. You can't mandate that they "help" workers(something I doubt you give a s-h-i-t about...so, it's an odd question.) So, the only way to help workers is to get some of the profits back in taxes that go for what you call "handouts" like social security, medicare etc. I think you're saying that some higher paid workers are hurt by higher taxes. Maybe, but they would have a house full of people to take care of if there were no Social Security, and Medicare. I'd be having to pretend I care about what story my mom would be telling me. She'd probably be living with me(she was just a worker.)
how does medicare and social security help a worker? and i would remind you that those aren't handouts, the govt supposedly takes your money all the years you work, and gives it back when you retire. so, how does social security
help me? the social security that's supposed to be broke by the time i retire? so, if i never see a dime back when i retire, that i've been paying into the system all these years--how will it help if it's not there later? i guess tho that i'm just supposed to be happy to be paying for others to get it now, and i'm just supposed to suck it up and get over it when it's done away with when it's my turn to get my money back. now, those two programs might help those who don't work...but i don't know of anyone working that it helps right now. all it's doing is going out, with no prospect of it coming back like they say, since they also say it'll be gone.
i think a lot of this argument comes down to who has a dependant vs an independant mindset. you're obviously someone who thinks people can't be self reliant, and that the oh so helpful govt is there to pick up the slack. i'm someone who thinks i can take care of myself-which i have always done, regardless of how little or how much i was making throughout the years. since i've never been on any kind of govt handout, i guess i just don't understand the whole subsidy thing.
i subsidize my life, no one else does. i guess it's silly of me to expect everyone else to do the same.