Originally Posted by docicu3
In case you didn't see the piece from DRF on this very subject on the mate from down under!!
Of the 5 guys they chose for the "audition" of the derby it is surprising that guys like Durkin or Vic "Soupy Sales" were not included in the mix. I still don't understand how these guys call a field of 20 horses. It has to be impossible to keep that many horses and silks straight.
I would think that Durkin didnt apply. why would he?? he's got year round work, calls on arguably the biggest circuit in the country, and he already gets to call the derby as it is on NBC.
as far as calling the derby, its gotta be the hardest thing ever. the 20 horses aside, when they have those tents up in the infield you cant see anything on the far turn. It must be the hardest race on earth to call. Oh by the way there is 150k people there.