Originally Posted by Indian Charlie
I think people are probably just so used to getting fugged over by every company and government agency at every possible opportunity, things like this just aren't that outrageous anymore.
I think if people would stop and take the time to realize what really happened, then they would be outraged. But since it's a track that most people pass on, they really don't care. Now if it happened at Belmont, there would probably be and 8000 post thread trashing everyone from NYRA to Mayland Studart.
The other thing is and I think Bigs mentioned it. What can we/are we supposed to do about it. We can cry and write letters all we want, the only probably effective measure is to boycott the track. All that would do is negatively affect and hurt the game/sport we love so much. I think we have all learned by now, that the majority of the game doesn't care about the fans and bettors.