Originally Posted by gales0678
chuck - watch the strike zones a few games at fenway , then watch them on the road
i wouldn't make a big stink , but, a buddy of mine has been tracking this stuff , and 5+ yrs is getting ridiculous ---20 games more a year at home they are winning
Gales I watch far too many baseball games as it is. Anyone that "tracks" that kind of stuff without using the technology found at mlb.coms gamecast is wasting their time. And if there was a trend that favored the Red Sox you can bet your ass that they would have been outed already. It is so stupid that I would seriously advise you not to repeat this in public unless you are solely in the company of other delusional Yankee fans. Most Yankee gibberish is just from spoiled fans who are perhaps the least objective group of fans outside Lexington, KY. The umps are cheating against the Yankees and for the Red Sox? Perhaps the most idiotic yet.