Saratoga ?'s
Ok ladies and gents, ive got the fever for toga!!!! im getting married in july and im trying to figure out a way to get my new wife to agree to go to toga some weekend fly up on thur track fri and sat but i need some help.
1) assume fly into albany and rent a car to drive to toga. how far is it there? is it a tough drive difficult to get to etc etc?
2) Where to stay? i know my wife and she is gonna want something nice so no dive motels. i have some money to go up there but would prefer to have the room be no more then 200/night
3) is there enough to do after the racing to make her happy? and no jokes about "hey you just got married, you shouldn't have to find things to do after the races" ha ha.
4) i gamble bout 300-500 a day depending on how things are going if good upper level if bad maybe only 150 day so for the 2 full days im thinking 2k spending money gambling food etc.
im really thinking about doing this and feel that i need to do it this summer b/c by next summer she may be pregnant then once a child comes along its gonna be tough. This may be my only shot for the next several years. Any input is appreciated.