Originally Posted by dellinger63
and illegals.
I love the situation OB & Co. find themselves in right now. If this mess gets passed he, Reid and Pelosi will be blamed for every health care complaint in the future whether rightfully or not. If it doesn't pass well then he failed. The hypocrisy of thinking anyone opposing this is a shill, Nazi etc. and then trying to suppress free speech and assembly by having citizens report on each other and using bullies at town meetings has been especially enjoyable.
You really need to get a grip on what's really happening out there, and not what Glenn Beck is screeching about.
There is no "citizens reporting on each other".
The only bullies at town halls are the rowdy people yelling and taking over the town hall and preventing everyone else from talking. They are the ones suppressing free speech.
The only people using the words "Nazi" appears to be some members of the ultra-right, slinging that one at Obama (which is absurd beyond belief, as there is nothing more "far right wingnut" than a white supremacist)
Nobody is calling the bullies Nazi, as you contend. Nobody is calling anybody opposing healthcare Nazi's.