Norv is a crappy coach volume xxxxxx
4 and 2 at near your opponent's 10 yard line. Your team is in the process of making a gallant comeback from two scores down at home and you are achieving the offense mostly through the air. You have perhaps the best receiving tight end of our generation and a 5' 6" tailback that catches well and can not be guarded in space. You have a 6' 3 rising young star at wide receiver. You are facing the Baltimore ravens who have the best middle linebacker since Mike singltetary against the run but maybe a little suspect against the pass as his age has advanced.
So what does Norv do? He runs a DIVE...AT RAY LEWIS. Perhaps one of the dumbest calls I have ever seen and at best its tied for dumbest because i cant imagine anything being dumb-er.
Norv strikes again!