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Old 10-19-2009, 12:48 PM
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Bigsmc Bigsmc is offline
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Originally Posted by kgar311
Here's the point im trying to make with this thread.

I am a life long track and horse enthusiast, I was born a stones throw away from Saratoga Racecourse, i've never missed a Travers in my life. Ive owned a couple horses in my life, worked at a racetrack for 10 years, been gambling since I was 8 and prob have put damn near 6 figures through the windows. At this point in my life I dont follow racing as close as I used to in the past so I dont have the luxury to watch TVG and hear them tout this horse or know that Mcpeek points all his bombs to win at keeneland or think about watching rolling doubles to see if there are odds discrepancies . So this weekend I was in the Miami area and decided to pop in Calder for a few. I still stop at the local simulcast once and a while too. But I rely on the info provided to me in the program on that day and I expect it to be correct. When I see stuff like this it makes me want to bet the horses less and less. Now why do you think horse racing is a dieing sport? I would bet on 2 ants crossing the street but now you have someone like me that is completely fed up with betting the horses because of crap like this. What do you think its doing to new people that come to the track and see this? They are running for the hills.
Im just sick of making donations to my local betting parlor everytime I walk in.
If you are only using "the info provided to me in the program", maybe you should stop gambling. Only using the program and betting on tracks, horses and connections that are unfamiliar to you, puts you in the passing lane to the poor house. Looking at the M/L and using it as a tool gauge firsters, seals the deal.

As Steve already stated, this filly was not a stretch at all.
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