Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis
JB - So is a post time favorite finishing third considered "running poorly"? It happens every single day.
I'm not indicting him, but the stuff didn't magically appear in GG's system either.
He's either aware of it, or someone is running around the backstretch in the middle of the night drugging favorites to bet against them. Can you offer a different explanation?
Either way, it is pretty egregious, and the owners and gamblers are due an answer - for him not to fight it or at least demand an investigation of his barn is troubling.
Well, if a trainer objects to the penalties and goes for a hearing, the penalty doubles. The fact that a tranquilizer was found in Albertrani's horse is not debateable if the split sample tests the same. Easier for a trainer to take the days rather than fight.
Look at Assmussen....he had 6 month penalties in two separate states for pain killer violations. Everyone "defends" a trainer like Assmussen because he races all over the country and cannot be everywhere at once.
It seems odd that both K Mc and Albertraini both get "violations" simultaneously in KY. NY has a detention barn and comprehensive drug testing...why are these violations found ONLY in KY?