Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
By the way, I think the double standard is ridiculous. Zenyatta is going to go back east twice this year and yet people don't think that is enough.
Some of the New York horses never came out west. If one did come out west twice in a year, that would be considered a very ambitious campaign. Yet Zenyatta going back east twice this year is not enough.
I guess Zenyatta needs to fly back east 3 or 4 times this year. That would be a really smart way to get her to peak on BC day, just keep flying her back and forth from California to the east coast.
since when did arkansas and kentucky move to the east? last i looked, i was still in the central time zone....if i wish to go to louisville, i head north-north-east.
and i personally don't think heading to cali proves nearly as much as heading eastward(kentucky, louisiana, arkansas, illinois, as well as to the east coast, where you have new york, maryland and florida. west, encompasses california, and synthetic tracks only. that's one state versus seven right there.