Fridays Mountaineer picks.
Businees still remains off the charts so i only worked till noon today and have been looking at MountaineerThere is no rain in the forecast so i've handicapped for a fast track.In the early double - i'm using the 7 and 10 in the 1st.The 10 should be the speed and is dropping down.The 7 catches my eye off his June 16th race where he ran credible first time lasix.His last race was not good but could enjoy the switch to 2 turns and Rex Stokes takes the mount.In the 2nd i'm using the 7 and 8 both dropping down.The early double 7,10/7,8.I don't usually do this but i'm posting the early pick 3 starting in the 3rd race.I'm going to use the 2 and 10 in the 3rd race.In the 4th i'm using the 1,7 and 8 and in the 5th the 6,8,9.So the early pick 3 will be 2,10/1,7,8/6,8,9.And now for the late double.The big question in the 9th race to me is the 2.If this horse can stay awhile with the 4 i think it's sets up well for the 5.If not the 4 could get very brave on a clear lead.I think if turning for home the 5 is close to the 8 (who will be the favorite)the 5 can beat her in the lane.In the 10th i'm using 4 horses.The 2,3,5 and 8.The late double 5/2,3,5,8.Good luck.