Originally Posted by Riot
Are you as big an idiot as other people call you, 'Zig?
I'm sorry you find it funny, or characterize it as "complaining", when people stand up for themselves.
you're a trip. i don't blame anyone for standing up for themselves at all. you just seem to get defensive pretty quick. take the other day, when i asked why you'd ever watch fox news if you dislike it so. i was asking a valid question, as i don't understand why people would watch something they find torturous. rather than saying 'i don't watch, i just happened to catch a glimpse on another channel', you started with the 'oh, how dare you say i watch fox news all the time' line-which i never even said.
you're so quick to get hysterical. you say people insult you, when usually there is no insult, or you complain about a name calling incident while giving it right back...or, if someone makes a valid point, you start with your short replies that have nothing to do with the subject, and start mentioning straw men. it's all pretty funny actually.
i know people call names, which is a shame. it doesn't add to the discussion-but for you to call others out, and engage in the same behavior in return, is hypocrisy in action. it is funny.