Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
"Walker wants most public workers — except for police, firefighters and state troopers — to pay more of their pension and health care costs.Walker would also limit pay increases to the inflation rate (currently less than 2 percent) unless voters OK’d larger raises via referendum. Again he’d exempt police, firefighters and troopers from that pay lid. Most controversially, he wants to curb the power of public-sector employee unions, ending collective bargaining rights for state workers (other than law enforcement officers), except over the issue of wages."
Why the favoritism for certain professions? This is flawed. He's exempting people that probably didn't even have to go to college to get their jobs. What brilliant line of thinking resulted in this beauty?
The police and firefighters were exempted because those unions supported Walker's election. It's political payback.
The rank and file of those unions, however, are now standing hand-in-hand with the teachers, nurses and prision guards Walker is trying to union bust.