Originally Posted by dellinger63
I keep bringing this fact up because how are we to expect them to believe the killing of innocent people is evil when killing their own innocent family members is acceptable and their culture? ![Dizzy](http://www.mazeguy.net/surprised/dizzy.gif)
Again (an this is getting stressful for me) I have to agree with your point Dell. I've considered myself a feminist most of my life and I place the highest value on equal rights for women (all minorities as well). It's difficult for me to support a culture that denies them equality let alone one that treats them as slaves. The unfortunate fact is that most of the "third world" falls under this description. We, as a nation, are forced to deal with countries such as China, India and Pakistan for our own security. India is an example of an evolving culture where women and minorities are receiving more and more equal treatment. China has at least "opened up" somewhat and their economy has become more and more geared toward the principles of a free market. Civil rights still have a long way to go there but some progress has been made. Pakistan has the potential to follow in India's footsteps, when we abandoned them in the 90's they slipped back into basically a dictatorship, since we have improved relations, they show some signs of evolving. The government still must walk a tightrope by being an ally to the west while not pissing off the more radical Muslim population. Also the central government has little authority in the far reaches of the country. All in all, they may try our patience but it's a matter of the lesser of two evils.