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Old 05-15-2011, 02:41 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,626

Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Either did Obama. He was asked while running around on the campaign trail, about all the travel, how many states he'd visited, and he laughed and said, "All 57!" You know - as a joke?

Either did Obama
. Here's the original video of that interview, where George Stephanopolous is asking about the Republicans attacking him on the campaign trail by falsely saying he's Muslim, and Obama's answer: he said John McCain hadn't talked about my "Muslim" faith, and Stephanopolis says you mean Christian, and Obama says no, I'm saying that John McCain has not talked about me being Muslim.

Your income taxes are the lowest they've been since the 1950's. Thank the multiple tax cuts and incentives you've gotten from this President.

Do feel free to share them, especially as there are "many".

Have you ever heard Newt actually speak? He has a long-standing reputation similar to Joe Biden for saying redonkulous, absurd things

I doubt Newt will get past the first four primaries. He could win Iowa. If they are trying to kill Romney on his successful state healthcare, they will eat Newt alive for his national Socialist mandated government healthcare for all plan.

Too bad, as the Dems would salivate over getting to run against Newt, as they would against Palin.
Aren't most of they the tax cots from the Bush Presidency? I have had more taxes taken out since Obama has been President. Don't know what tax cuts you're talking about.
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