Originally Posted by dellinger63
the squeeky wheel gets the grease. What Zorn neglects to mention is the times and amounts Medicare has been raised. If at anytime this warning had been acted on we wouldn't be where we are now.
No. The "warning"
was acted upon all the times listed.
Since inception of each program, it's always been known that Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security would have to undergo adjustments to remain solvent. And that's what we've always done. And what we'll do again now.
BTW Might has well set off a nuclear bomb somewhere in the U.S. rather than follow thru with Obamacare as it is simply a Medicare program for all.
That is a complete falsehood. You know that. LOL - I
wish we had single payer, Medicare for all - that would be awesome. Vermont just agreed to go down the path of healthcare for all, not just the rich. Good for them.