Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
I really have nothing against gay people.
They deserve the same rights as everyone.
The problem that I have with all of this is that if it hypocrites are found by their own admissions, then they deserve their own consequences.
I'll pray for Haggert's wife and five kids.
I'll also include my position on this entire mess, "Judge not lest ye be judged."
Obviously, Rupert didn't read Esther 7:9, 10. The very gallows that he prepared for Mordechai were the ones that he was hanged from.
The irony, whether it was Foley's protecting children from internet porn, or Haggert's position with the 30 million evangelicals he lead in his crusade against gay marriage, or Gdubb's attempt to impose "democracy" on people that he invaded..wasted countless lives, many maimed, and an occupation that is doomed despite all claims of "victory", staying the course, "flexibility"...
on and on...
These times are crazy. Those "straw men" that became compost are only that.
Some continue to believe in them. For sure, they're entitled to that.
Just do me a favor. Spare me the gallows that I didn't construct for others to be hanged from.
i don't have anything against them either, and believe all rights should be for ALL people.
and yeah, live by the sword, die by the sword--fits here...
as for the war in iraq, i don't see the comparison--and if memory serves, congress backed up the original decision. of course a lot of people want us to forget that they voted in favor of that decision, now that things are looking bleak.