Originally Posted by Danzig
except that when she testified, it was about a student's need for birth control due to an ovarian cyst. not about sex. altho one has to wonder why it would matter if it was about sex. one also wonder's how this turned into 'taxpayers paying' when all along it was about health insurance providers, not tax payers.
We do need to take this to it's logical inclusiveness. Fix it so male students cannot get condoms from Georgetown U., or any university health service, any more. If men think they have an STD, well the sluts deserve it for being loose. Too bad, not covered. Any man who wants Viagra must have a digital rectal exam and a cardiac treadmill test. Single men will not be allowed to receive any Viagra or condoms. Married men who get Viagra will have to produce one child per 30-pill prescription. Single men no longer have any parental rights regarding any child born out of wedlock.
Employers are free to determine what health care their employees receive. For example, Sharia Law will be implemented for employees of Muslims, and Christian Sharia for employees of Catholics and Evangelicals. If an employer doesn't "believe" in vaccination, none of their employees children can be covered for vaccinations. Employers can limit the number of children their employees insurance will pay for if they think the world is too overpopulated.