Originally Posted by Antitrust32
i don't know whether to laugh or cry after reading this
I guess laugh, because I find it hilarious how some people can LOVE Obama and absolutely HATE Bush when they have had the EXACT SAME Presidentcies!
Oh, I laugh and/or cry when I read your political assessements, too
No, not "exactly" the same, but yes, certainly some things Obama is the same (or even more "Bushian") than Bush.
Not all people look at politics as starkly black and white, "my team vs your team" manner. That's what is destroying this country, and why our current Congress is useless. Too much polarization.
There's plenty I don't like about Obama, but far more I do like - a lot. But to think he's the same as Santorum, Gingrich or Romney is not true in the least. All three of those guys have "typical GOP" financial plans and platforms that would repeat the Bush financial disaster, throwing our country into massively deeper debt.
Santorum is just a religious zealot who has no place in the current political discourse (he couldn't even get on the ballot in some Ohio counties, he's so disorganized in his "run for President"): see Howard Finemans "The Republican Party is the first American Religious Party" editorial of a day or so ago.